Francesco Gerli
Francesco Gerli
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Technology transfer for social entrepreneurship: Designing problem-oriented innovation ecosystems
F Gerli, V Chiodo, I Bengo
Sustainability 13 (1), 20, 2020
Organizing for transformative innovation policies: The role of social enterprises. Theoretical insights and evidence from Italy
M Calderini, M Fia, F Gerli
Research Policy 52 (7), 104818, 2023
An ecosystemic model for the technological development of social entrepreneurship: exploring clusters of social innovation
F Gerli, M Calderini, V Chiodo
European Planning Studies 30 (10), 1962-1984, 2022
Social-tech entrepreneurs: building blocks of a new social economy
M Calderini, V Chiodo, F Gerli, G Pasi
Stanford Social Innovation Review, 2021
The transformative capacity of public sector organizations in sustainability transitions: A conceptualization
S Borrás, SJ Haakonsson, RT Poulsen, T Pallesen, C Hendriksen, ...
Centre for Innovation Research (CIRCLE), Lund University, 2023
Domanda e offerta di capitale per l’impatto sociale: una lettura ecosistemica del mercato italiano.
F Gerli, V Chiodo
Impresa sociale 10, 86-96, 2017
Based on outcomes? Challenges and (missed) opportunities of measuring social outcomes in outcome-based contracting
B De Pieri, V Chiodo, F Gerli
International Public Management Journal 26 (3), 437-462, 2023
Innovazione, sfide socialli e protagonismo dell'imprenditoria ad impatto: un ripensamento degli ecosistemi d'innovazione per una nuova generazione di politiche
M Calderini, F Gerli
Impresa Sociale 2020 (3), 10-20, 2020
The centrality of social-tech entrepreneurship in an inclusive growth agenda
M Calderini, V Chiodo, F Gerli, G Pasi
Social Economy Science-, 284-308, 2023
Settling hybrid identity through impact assessment? The case of B Corps
I Bengo, C Nakamura Chapuis, F Gerli, R Souza Piao
Journal of Social Entrepreneurship, 1-22, 2022
The potential of social enterprises as milestones for a place-based inclusive innovation strategy
M Calderini, M Fia, F Gerli
Academy of management proceedings 2020 (1), 19088, 2020
Technology transfer offices in the diffusion of transformative innovation: Rethinking roles, resources, and capabilities
S Borrás, F Gerli, R Cenzato
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 200, 123157, 2024
Do prosocial‐certified companies walk the talk? An analysis of B Corps' contributions to Sustainable Development Goals
L Boni, V Chiodo, F Gerli, L Toschi
Business Strategy and the Environment 33 (3), 2518-2532, 2024
Social Enterprises: Organizations for Transformative Innovation
M Calderini, M Fia, F Gerli
Academy of Management Proceedings 2022 (1), 14389, 2022
An Institutional Analysis of the Rise of Benefit Corporations Outside of the US: The Case of Italy
M Arena, I Bengo, F Gerli, P Colzani
Preprints, 2020
Cantieri Viceversa Network Finaziari per il Terzo Settore
A Asmundo, M Calderini, V Chiodo, A Crocetti, F Gentili, F Gerli, A Lovera, ...
Cantieri VIceVersa Network Finanziari per il Terzo Settore, 17-29, 2019
Social and Technological Innovation: Cross-Fertilization Needed.
F Bartolomucci, G Trasciani, F Gerli
Chiodo, S., Kaiser, D., Shah, J., Volonté, P. (eds) Improving Technology …, 2024
The technological development of social entrepreneurship and the transformative innovation systems: towards a coevolutionary dynamic?
F Gerli
The Potential of Social Enterprises as Milestones for a Place-Based Inclusive Innovation Strategy.
M Fia, M Calderini, F Gerli
Academy of Management Proceedings,(Vol. 2020, No. 1) 1, 19088-19088, 2020
La sfida della valutazione di impatto nelle Società Benefit italiane.
F Gerli, I Bengo, M Calderini, R Randazzo
Società Benefit. Profili giuridici ed economico-aziendali, 58-69, 2020
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