Ivette Luna
Ivette Luna
Professora do Instituto de Economia, Universidade Estadual de Campinas
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Top-down strategies based on adaptive fuzzy rule-based systems for daily time series forecasting
I Luna, R Ballini
International Journal of Forecasting 27 (3), 708-724, 2011
Long-term hydropower scheduling based on deterministic nonlinear optimization and annual inflow forecasting models
MS Zambelli, I Luna, S Soares
2009 IEEE Bucharest PowerTech, 1-8, 2009
Performance analysis of unorganized machines in streamflow forecasting of Brazilian plants
H Siqueira, L Boccato, I Luna, R Attux, C Lyra
Applied Soft Computing 68, 494-506, 2018
Performance comparison of feedforward neural networks applied to streamflow series forecasting.
H Siqueira, I Luna
Mathematics in Engineering, Science & Aerospace (MESA) 10 (1), 2019
Logística reversa para o setor de medicamentos
C Hiratuka, MA Vargas, P Fracalanza, EN Rosandiski, RI Corazza, ...
Brasília: ABDI, 13-79, 2013
Adaptive fuzzy system to forecast financial time series volatility
I Luna, R Ballini
Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 23 (1), 27-38, 2012
Selection of temporal lags for predicting riverflow series from hydroelectric plants using variable selection methods
H Siqueira, M Macedo, YS Tadano, TA Alves, SL Stevan Jr, DS Oliveira Jr, ...
Energies 13 (16), 4236, 2020
Network analysis of cattle movement in Mato Grosso do Sul (Brazil) and implications for foot-and-mouth disease
TC Menezes, I Luna, SHG Miranda
Frontiers in veterinary science 7, 219, 2020
Impacto dos contratos futuros do Ibovespa na volatilidade dos índices de ações no Brasil: uma análise na crise do subprime
L Maciel, RLF Silveira, I Luna, R Ballini
Estudos Econômicos (São Paulo) 42, 801-825, 2012
Recursive linear models optimized by bioinspired metaheuristics to streamflow time series prediction
H Siqueira, JT Belotti, L Boccato, I Luna, R Attux, C Lyra
International Transactions in Operational Research 30 (2), 742-773, 2023
Partial mutual information criterion for modelling time series via neural networks
I Luna, S Soares, R Ballini
Proc. of the 11th Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty …, 2006
Técnica de identificação de modelos lineares e não-lineares de séries temporais
I Luna, R Ballini, S Soares
SBA: Controle & automação sociedade Brasileira de automática 17, 245-256, 2006
A comparative analysis of neurofuzzy, ANN and ARIMA models for Brazilian stock index forecasting
R Ballini, I Luna, LM Lima, RLF da Silveira
SCE-Computing in Economics and Finance, 1995
Online estimation of stochastic volatility for asset returns
I Luna, R Ballini
2012 IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence for Financial Engineering …, 2012
A constructive-fuzzy system modeling for time series forecasting
I Luna, S Soares, R Ballini
2007 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 2908-2913, 2007
An adaptive hybrid model for monthly streamflow forecasting
I Luna, S Soares, R Ballini
2007 IEEE International Fuzzy Systems Conference, 1-6, 2007
The direct connection between box & Jenkins methodology and adaptive filtering theory.
H Siqueira, I Luna, TA Alves, Y de Souza Tadano
Mathematics in Engineering, Science & Aerospace (MESA) 10 (1), 2019
De tragédia a solução: a atualidade teórica e empírica dos recursos comuns no Brasil
M Cesar, I Luna, E Perkins
Nova economia 30 (1), 7-35, 2020
Verifying the use of evolving fuzzy systems for multi-step ahead daily inflow forecasting
I Luna, JEG Lopes, R Ballini, S Soares
2009 15th International Conference on Intelligent System Applications to …, 2009
Regional hierarchies in the sugarcane agribusiness: border movement and the centrality of São Paulo
F Mesquita, R Castillo, I Luna, HF Santos
Revista Brasileira de Estudos Urbanos e Regionais 21 (2), 329-350, 2019
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