Jana Chovancova
Jana Chovancova
Assistant, Lecturer, Researcher
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Assessment of economic and environmental energy performance of EU countries using CV-TOPSIS technique
R Vavrek, J Chovancová
Ecological Indicators 106, 105519, 2019
Decoupling of greenhouse gas emissions from economic growth in V4 countries
R Vavrek, J Chovancova
Procedia Economics and Finance 39, 526-533, 2016
Decoupling economic growth from greenhouse gas emissions: The case of the energy sector in V4 countries
J Chovancová, J Tej
Equilibrium. Quarterly Journal of Economics and Economic Policy 15 (2), 235-251, 2020
Towards a smart E-waste system utilizing supply chain participants and interactive online maps
T Shevchenko, M Saidani, Y Danko, I Golysheva, J Chovancová, ...
Recycling 6 (1), 8, 2021
Design of integrated management systems according to the revised ISO standards
M Majernik, N Daneshjo, J Chovancová, G Sanciova
Polish Journal of Management Studies 15 (1), 135-143, 2017
Energy performance of the European Union Countries in terms of reaching the European energy union objectives
R Vavrek, J Chovancová
Energies 13 (20), 5317, 2020
Economic Development, CO2 Emissions and Energy Use Nexus-Evidence from the Danube Region Countries
E Litavcová, J Chovancová
Energies 14 (11), 3165, 2021
The analysis of success factors in terms of adaptation of expatriates to work in international organizations
L Bednarova, J Chovancová, A Pacana, R Ulewicz
Polish Journal of Management Studies 17 (1), 59-66, 2018
Decoupling analysis of energy consumption and economic growth of V4 countries
J Chovancová, R Vavrek
Problemy Ekorozwoju 14 (1), 159-165, 2019
(De) coupling Analysis with Focus on Energy Consumption in EU Countries and Its Spatial Evaluation.
J Chovancová, R Vavrek
Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 29 (3), 2020
Decoupling transport-related greenhouse gas emissions and economic growth in the European Union countries
J Chovancová, M Popovičová, E Huttmanová
Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems …, 2023
Modelling the process of green public procurement
M Majerník, N Daneshjo, J Chovancová, G Sanciová
TEM Journal 6 (2), 272, 2017
Contamination of vegetation growing on soils and substrates in the unhygienic region of Central Spis (Slovakia) polluted by heavy metals
D Fazekasova, Z Boguská, J Fazekas, J Skvareninova, J Chovancová
Journal of environmental biology 37 (6), 1335, 2016
Cluster modeling of environmental and occupational health and safety management systems for integration support
A Pauliková, J Chovancová, J Blahová
International journal of environmental research and public health 19 (11), 6588, 2022
Assessment of the current state of environment in the Slovak republic with the use of green growth indicators
E Huttmanová
International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference: SGEM 1, 133, 2013
On the road to affordable and clean energy: assessing the progress of European Countries toward meeting SDG 7
J Chovancová, R Vavrek
Pol. J. Environ. Stud 31 (2), 1587-1600, 2022
Clarifying a circularity phenomenon in a circular economy under the notion of potential
T Shevchenko, R Vavrek, Y Danko, O Gubanova, J Chovancová, ...
Problemy Ekorozwoju 16 (1), 2021
Possibilities to optimize the logistics chain in the manufacturing plant
I Liberko, L Bednarova, Z Hajduova, J Chovancova
Polish Journal of Management Studies 12 (2), 103-113, 2015
Environmental technological innovations and the sustainability of their development
M Majerník, J Chovancová, P Drábik, Z Štofková
Ecological Engineering & Environmental Technology 24, 2023
Fullfilment of environmental goal of the strategy Europe 2020. Is it realistic?
P Adamisin, R Pukala, J Chovancova, M Novakova, T Bak
3rd International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences …, 2016
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