Anouk N'Guyen
Anouk N'Guyen
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What do we really know about the impacts of one of the 100 worst invaders in Europe? A reality check
PE Hirsch, A N’Guyen, I Adrian-Kalchhauser, P Burkhardt-Holm
Ambio 45, 267-279, 2016
Ingestion of microplastics by fish and other prey organisms of cetaceans, exemplified for two large baleen whale species
P Burkhardt-Holm, A N'Guyen
Marine pollution bulletin 144, 224-234, 2019
Improving invasive species management by integrating priorities and contributions of scientists and decision makers
A N’Guyen, PE Hirsch, I Adrian-Kalchhauser, P Burkhardt-Holm
Ambio 45, 280-289, 2016
A tough egg to crack: recreational boats as vectors for invasive goby eggs and transdisciplinary management approaches
PE Hirsch, I Adrian‐Kalchhauser, S Flämig, A N'Guyen, R Defila, ...
Ecology and evolution 6 (3), 707-715, 2016
Colonizing Islands of water on dry land—on the passive dispersal of fish eggs by birds
PE Hirsch, A N'Guyen, R Muller, I Adrian‐Kalchhauser, P Burkhardt‐Holm
Fish and fisheries 19 (3), 502-510, 2018
A dynamical model for invasive round goby populations reveals efficient and effective management options
A N'Guyen, PE Hirsch, C Bozzuto, I Adrian‐Kalchhauser, K Hôrková, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 55 (1), 342-352, 2018
The invasive bighead goby Ponticola kessleri displays large‐scale genetic similarities and small‐scale genetic differentiation in relation to shipping patterns
I Adrian‐Kalchhauser, PE Hirsch, J Behrmann‐Godel, A N'Guyen, ...
Molecular Ecology 25 (9), 1925-1943, 2016
Hobbyists acting simultaneously as anglers and aquarists: Novel pathways for non‐native fish and impacts on native fish
PE Hirsch, A N'Guyen, P Burkhardt‐Holm
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 31 (6), 1285-1296, 2021
The invasive round goby may attach its eggs to ships or boats–but there is no evidence
I Adrian-Kalchhauser, A N’Guyen, PE Hirsch, P Burkhardt-Holm
Aquatic Invasions 12 (2), 263-267, 2017
Potential economic impacts of invasive gobies on recreational angling and commercial fishing
A N'Guyen
University_of_Basel, 2013
A tough egg to crack: recreational boats as vectors for invasive goby eggs and transdisciplinary management approaches (vol 6, pg 707, 2016)
PE Hirsch, I Adrian-Kalchhauser, S Flamig, A N'Guyen, R Defila, ...
ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION 6 (17), 6422-6422, 2016
Potential Economic Impacts of Invasive Gobies on Recreational Angling and Commercial Fishing: The Exemplary Case of Lake Zurich: Anouk N'Guyen
A N'Guyen
Verlag nicht ermittelbar, 2013
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