Jerzy Bochen
Jerzy Bochen
Department of Civil Engineering, Silesian University of Technology
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Sandstone degradation: an experimental study of accelerated weathering
M Labus, J Bochen
Environmental Earth Sciences 67, 2027-2042, 2012
Experimental studies on the effect of natural and synthetic fibers on properties of fresh and hardened mortar
JR Nayak, J Bochen, M Gołaszewska
Construction and Building Materials 347, 128550, 2022
Study on the microstructure of thin-layer facade plasters of thermal insulating system during artificial weathering
J Bochen
Construction and Building Materials 23 (7), 2559-2566, 2009
Weathering effects on physical–chemical properties of external plaster mortars exposed to different environments
J Bochen
Construction and Building Materials 79, 192-206, 2015
Influence of ageing process on porosity changes of the external plasters
J Bochen, S Gil, J Szwabowski
Cement and concrete composites 27 (7-8), 769-775, 2005
Study on physical and chemical properties of external lime–sand plasters of some historical buildings
J Bochen, M Labus
Construction and Building materials 45, 11-19, 2013
Investigation studies involving sound absorbing parameters of roadside screen panels subjected to aging in simulated conditions
A Nowoświat, J Bochen, L Dulak, R Żuchowski
Applied Acoustics 111, 8-15, 2016
Properties of pore structure of thin-layer external plasters under ageing in simulated environment
J Bochen, S Gil
Construction and Building Materials 23 (8), 2958-2963, 2009
Study on sound absorption of road acoustic screens under simulated weathering
A Nowoświat, J Bochen, L Dulak, R Żuchowski
Archives of Acoustics 43 (2), 323–337, 2018
Experimental study on salt crystallization in plasters subjected to simulate groundwater capillary rise
J Bochen, B Słomka-Słupik, J Ślusarek
Construction and Building Materials 308, 125039, 2021
Impact of the imperfection of thermal insulation on structural changes of thin-layer façade claddings in ETICS
J Ślusarek, B Orlik-Kożdoń, J Bochen, T Muzyczuk
Journal of Building Engineering 32, 101487, 2020
Assessment of the impact of inaccuracy and variability of material and selected technological factors on physical and mechanical properties of fresh masonry mortars and plasters
M Gołaszewska, J Gołaszewski, G Cygan, J Bochen
Materials 13 (6), 1382, 2020
Service life assessment of renders on the basis of changes of physical and mechanical properties during simulated weathering
J Bochen, A Nowoświat
Construction and Building Materials 229, 117003, 2019
Comparative study of effects of air-entraining plasticizing admixture and lime on physical and mechanical properties of masonry mortars and plasters
M Gołaszewska, J Gołaszewski, J Bochen, G Cygan
Materials 15 (7), 2583, 2022
Durability assessment of building materials exposed to atmosphere agents by testing in simulated environment
J Bochen
Archit. Civ. Eng. Environ 6, 17-25, 2013
Wyniki badań stanu technicznego baraków murowanych na terenie byłego obozu Auschwitz-Birkenau
J Bochen, A Szymanowska-Gwiżdż
Czasopismo Techniczne. Budownictwo 104 (1-B), 21-28, 2007
Beschleunigte Alterungsteste von Aussenputzen zur Prognose der Dauerhaftigkeit
J Bochen, H Nowak
Analysis of resistance to accelerated aging of the top layer of small-sized concrete elements. A case study
J Bochen, J Ślusarek
Construction and Building Materials 264, 120211, 2020
Diagnostyczne badania wykwitów solnych na restaurowanych elewacjach. Cz. 2, Badania zapraw i tynków
J Bochen, B Słomka-Słupik, J Podwórny
Ochrona przed Korozją, 43--47, 2018
Prognozowanie trwałości tynków zewnętrznych na podstawie zmian właściwości fizycznych w procesie starzenia
J Bochen
Izolacje 19, 2014
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