Jacob Jin
Jacob Jin
CEO of Austin Elements Inc.
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Fracability evaluation in shale reservoirs-an integrated petrophysics and geomechanics approach
X Jin, SN Shah, JC Roegiers, B Zhang
SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference and Exhibition, SPE-168589-MS, 2014
An integrated petrophysics and geomechanics approach for fracability evaluation in shale reservoirs
X Jin, SN Shah, JC Roegiers, B Zhang
SPE Journal 20 (03), 518-526, 2015
Hydraulic fracture initiation and propagation from wellbore with oriented perforation
H Zhu, J Deng, X Jin, L Hu, B Luo
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 48, 585-601, 2015
A practical petrophysical approach for brittleness prediction from porosity and sonic logging in shale reservoirs
X Jin, S Shah, J Truax, JC Roegiers
SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition?, SPE-170972-MS, 2014
Experimental investigation of proppant settling in complex hydraulic-natural fracture system in shale reservoirs
Q Wen, S Wang, X Duan, Y Li, F Wang, X Jin
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 33, 70-80, 2016
Breakdown pressure determination-a fracture mechanics approach
X Jin, SN Shah, JC Roegiers, B Hou
SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition?, D011S006R006, 2013
Brittleness evaluation of resource plays by integrating petrophysical and seismic data analysis
B Zhang, T Zhao, X Jin, KJ Marfurt
Interpretation 3 (2), T81-T92, 2015
Coupled flow-stress-damage simulation of deviated-wellbore fracturing in hard-rock
H Zhu, X Zhao, J Guo, X Jin, F An, Y Wang, X Lai
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 26, 711-724, 2015
Coupled flow, stress and damage modelling of interactions between hydraulic fractures and natural fractures in shale gas reservoirs
HY Zhu, XC Jin, JC Guo, FC An, YH Wang, X Lai
International Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal Technology 13 (4), 359-390, 2016
Extended finite element modeling of multi-scale flow in fractured shale gas reservoirs
M Sheng, G Li, SN Shah, X Jin
SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition?, SPE-159919-MS, 2012
Fracability estimation for longmaxi shale: coupled brittleness, stress–strain and fracture
H Zhu, L Tao, D Liu, Q Liu, X Jin
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 43 (11), 6639-6652, 2018
Fracture propagation direction and its application in hydraulic fracturing
X Jin, S Shah
SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference and Exhibition, D021S004R007, 2013
Weight function of stress intensity factor for single radial crack emanating from hollow cylinder
X Jin, Y Zeng, S Ding, B Zhang, J McLennan, JC Roegiers, S Shah, ...
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 170, 77-86, 2017
Hydraulic fracturing model based on nonlinear fracture mechanics: theory and simulation
X Jin, SN Shah, M Sheng
SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition?, SPE-159909-MS, 2012
Weight function of stress intensity factor for symmetrical radial cracks emanating from hollow cylinder
X Jin, S Shah, JC Roegiers, J McLennan
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 159, 144-154, 2016
An integrated geomechanics and petrophysics study of hydraulic fracturing in naturally fractured reservoirs
X Jin
Field Pilots of Unconventional Shale EOR in the Permian Basin
XJ Jin*, M Pavia, M Samuel, S Shah, R Zhang, J Thompson
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, Denver, Colorado, 22-24 July …, 2019
Investigating the fundamental mechanisms governing solid production in superdeep hot tight gas reservoirs and exploring potential solutions
X Yang, X Jin, Y Zhang, Q Yin, J McLennan, C Dai, W Fan, Y Xiao
SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition?, D031S047R003, 2016
Breakdown pressure prediction with weight function method and experimental verification
Y Zeng, X Jin, S Ding, B Zhang, X Bian, S Shah, J McLennan, ...
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 214, 62-78, 2019
Experimental investigation of propped fracture network conductivity in naturally fractured shale reservoirs
Q Wen, X Jin, NS Subhash, Y Li
SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition?, D021S037R009, 2013
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