Jung Hee Hyun
Jung Hee Hyun
Research Scholar, IIASA
在 iiasa.ac.at 的电子邮件经过验证
Variations in pedestrian mean radiant temperature based on the spacing and size of street trees
CY Park, DK Lee, ES Krayenhoff, HK Heo, JH Hyun, K Oh, TY Park
Sustainable cities and society 48, 101521, 2019
The effects of extreme heat adaptation strategies under different climate change mitigation scenarios in Seoul, Korea
CY Park, DK Lee, JH Hyun
Sustainability 11 (14), 3801, 2019
Modeling decision-maker preferences for long-term climate adaptation planning using a pathways approach
JH Hyun, JY Kim, CY Park, DK Lee
Science of the Total Environment 772, 145335, 2021
An Economic Analysis of a Hybrid Solar PV-Diesel-ESS System for Kumundhoo, Maldives
TY Jung, YT Kim, JH Hyun
Korea and the World Economy 18 (S1), 109-134, 2017
Landscape design for improved thermal environment: an optimized tree arrangement design for climate-responsive outdoor spaces in residential buildings complexes
JY Kim, CY Park, JH Hyun, SH Kim, SH Yun, DK Lee
Sustainable Cities and Society 97, 104762, 2023
Prioritizing climate change adaptation options: Application of multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) with stakeholder participation in water resources management
JY Kim, CY Park, JY Huh, JH Hyun, DK Lee
한국기후변화학회지 14 (3), 219-239, 2023
Variations in pedestrian mean radiant temperature based on the interval and size of street trees
CY Park, DK Lee, ES Krayenhoff, HK Heo, JH Hyun, K Oh, TY Park
Sustainable Cities and Society, 2019
A Study on a Hybrid Energy System to Reduce CO2 Emission In Mavuva Island, Fiji
TY Jung, JH Hyun, S Lee, M Huh
Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment 26 (4), 217-226, 2017
Sequential action-based dynamic decision-support model for urban ecological planning
ES Kim, SH Yun, JY Kim, JH Thorne, JH Hyun, DK Lee
Sustainable Cities and Society 101, 105092, 2024
계획수립 사용자 중심의 기후적응 의사결정지원 시스템
현정희, 김지연, 이동근, 허주영, 배채영, 정휘철, 정태용, 차동호
한국기후변화학회지 11 (6-1), 657-667, 2020
적응경로 기반 지자체 기후변화 적응계획 강화를 위한 의사결정 지원 전략
현정희, 김지연, 윤석환, 박채연, 정휘철, 정태용, 이동근
한국기후변화학회지 10 (2), 89-102, 2019
Methodology for evaluating ROK’s progress in the SDGs
TY Jung, JH Hyun, D Kang
Sustainable Development Goals in the Republic of Korea, 7-20, 2018
마부바섬의 이산화탄소 감축을 위한 복합 에너지 시스템에 대한 연구
정태용, 현정희, 이슬, 허민경
환경영향평가 26 (4), 217-226, 2017
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