Mike Hambsch
Mike Hambsch
TU Dresden, Center for Advancing Electronics Dresden
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Thick junction broadband organic photodiodes
A Armin, M Hambsch, IK Kim, PL Burn, P Meredith, EB Namdas
Laser & Photonics Reviews 8 (6), 924-932, 2014
Efficient, Large Area ITO‐and‐PEDOT‐free Organic Solar Cell Sub‐modules
H Jin, C Tao, M Velusamy, M Aljada, Y Zhang, M Hambsch, PL Burn, ...
Advanced Materials, 2012
Uniformity of fully gravure printed organic field-effect transistors
M Hambsch, K Reuter, M Stanel, G Schmidt, H Kempa, U Fügmann, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: B 170 (1-3), 93-98, 2010
High‐mobility, solution‐processed organic field‐effect transistors from C8‐BTBT: polystyrene blends
K Haase, C Teixeira da Rocha, C Hauenstein, Y Zheng, M Hambsch, ...
Advanced Electronic Materials 4 (8), 1800076, 2018
Spectral dependence of the internal quantum efficiency of organic solar cells: Effect of charge generation pathways
A Armin, I Kassal, PE Shaw, M Hambsch, M Stolterfoht, DM Lyons, J Li, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 136 (32), 11465-11472, 2014
Complementary ring oscillator exclusively prepared by means of gravure and flexographic printing
H Kempa, M Hambsch, K Reuter, M Stanel, GC Schmidt, B Meier, ...
IEEE Transactions on Electron devices 58 (8), 2765-2769, 2011
Efficient, Large Area, and Thick Junction Polymer Solar Cells with Balanced Mobilities and Low Defect Densities
A Armin, M Hambsch, P Wolfer, H Jin, J Li, Z Shi, PL Burn, P Meredith
Advanced Energy Materials 5 (3), 1401221, 2015
Molecular Doping of a High Mobility Diketopyrrolopyrrole–Dithienylthieno[3,2-b]thiophene Donor–Acceptor Copolymer with F6TCNNQ
Y Karpov, T Erdmann, M Stamm, U Lappan, O Guskova, M Malanin, ...
Macromolecules 50 (3), 914-926, 2017
Three-dimensional integrated circuit using printed electronics
AC Hübler, GC Schmidt, H Kempa, K Reuter, M Hambsch, M Bellmann
Organic Electronics 12 (3), 419-423, 2011
Solution Coating of Small Molecule/Polymer Blends Enabling Ultralow Voltage and High‐Mobility Organic Transistors
C Teixeira da Rocha, K Haase, Y Zheng, M Löffler, M Hambsch, ...
Advanced Electronic Materials 4 (8), 1800141, 2018
Modified mass printing technique for the realization of source/drain electrodes with high resolution
GC Schmidt, M Bellmann, B Meier, M Hambsch, K Reuter, H Kempa, ...
Organic Electronics 11 (10), 1683-1687, 2010
Cation-selective two-dimensional polyimine membranes for high-performance osmotic energy conversion
Z Zhang, P Bhauriyal, H Sahabudeen, Z Wang, X Liu, M Hambsch, ...
Nature communications 13 (1), 3935, 2022
Ultrasoft and high‐mobility block copolymers for skin‐compatible electronics
K Ditte, J Perez, S Chae, M Hambsch, M Al‐Hussein, H Komber, ...
Advanced materials 33 (4), 2005416, 2021
Efficient, monolithic large area organohalide perovskite solar cells
M Hambsch, Q Lin, A Armin, PL Burn, P Meredith
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 4 (36), 13830-13836, 2016
Surface‐Modified Phthalocyanine‐Based Two‐Dimensional Conjugated Metal–Organic Framework Films for Polarity‐Selective Chemiresistive Sensing
M Wang, Z Zhang, H Zhong, X Huang, W Li, M Hambsch, P Zhang, ...
Angewandte Chemie 133 (34), 18814-18820, 2021
Near–atomic-scale observation of grain boundaries in a layer-stacked two-dimensional polymer
H Qi, H Sahabudeen, B Liang, M Položij, MA Addicoat, TE Gorelik, ...
Science advances 6 (33), eabb5976, 2020
Anisotropic polaron delocalization in conjugated homopolymers and donor–acceptor copolymers
R Ghosh, CK Luscombe, M Hambsch, SCB Mannsfeld, A Salleo, ...
Chemistry of Materials 31 (17), 7033-7045, 2019
Electro-optics of conventional and inverted thick junction organic solar cells
A Armin, A Yazmaciyan, M Hambsch, J Li, PL Burn, P Meredith
Acs Photonics 2 (12), 1745-1754, 2015
Interfacial synthesis of layer-oriented 2D conjugated metal–organic framework films toward directional charge transport
Z Wang, LS Walter, M Wang, PS Petkov, B Liang, H Qi, NN Nguyen, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 143 (34), 13624-13632, 2021
Enhancement of n‐Type Organic Field‐Effect Transistor Performances through Surface Doping with Aminosilanes
N Shin, J Zessin, MH Lee, M Hambsch, SCB Mannsfeld
Advanced Functional Materials 28 (34), 1802265, 2018
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