The motivated processing of political arguments CS Taber, D Cann, S Kucsova Political Behavior 31, 137-155, 2009 | 646 | 2009 |
Party identification and vote choice in partisan and nonpartisan elections CW Bonneau, DM Cann Political Behavior 37, 43-66, 2015 | 130 | 2015 |
Homegrown institutional legitimacy: Assessing citizens' diffuse support for state courts DM Cann, J Yates American politics research 36 (2), 297-329, 2008 | 128 | 2008 |
Justice for sale? Campaign contributions and judicial decisionmaking DM Cann State Politics & Policy Quarterly 7 (3), 281-297, 2007 | 128 | 2007 |
Sharing the wealth: Member contributions and the exchange theory of party influence in the US House of Representatives DM Cann State University of New York Press, 2008 | 92 | 2008 |
Campaign spending, diminishing marginal returns, and campaign finance restrictions in judicial elections CW Bonneau, DM Cann The Journal of Politics 73 (4), 1267-1280, 2011 | 82 | 2011 |
Modeling committee chair selection in the US House of Representatives DM Cann Political Analysis 16 (3), 274-289, 2008 | 65 | 2008 |
Case visibility and the electoral connection in state supreme courts DM Cann, T Wilhelm American Politics Research 39 (3), 557-581, 2011 | 60 | 2011 |
Beyond accountability and independence-Judicial selection and state court performance D Cann Judicature 90, 226, 2006 | 55 | 2006 |
Judicial independence and opinion clarity on state supreme courts G Goelzhauser, DM Cann State Politics & Policy Quarterly 14 (2), 123-141, 2014 | 50 | 2014 |
Campaign contributions and judicial behavior DM Cann American Review of Politics 23, 261-274, 2002 | 46 | 2002 |
Voters’ Verdicts: Citizens, Campaigns, and Institutions in State Supreme Court Elections CW Bonneau, DM Cann University of Virginia Press, 2015 | 45 | 2015 |
Exchange theory, political parties, and the allocation of federal distributive benefits in the House of Representatives DM Cann, AH Sidman The Journal of Politics 73 (4), 1128-1141, 2011 | 44 | 2011 |
The Effect of Campaign Contributions on Judicial Decisionmaking CW Bonneau, DM Cann Available at SSRN 1337668, 2009 | 39 | 2009 |
Judicial ideology and the selection of disputes for US supreme court adjudication J Yates, DM Cann, BD Boyea Journal of Empirical Legal Studies 10 (4), 847-865, 2013 | 32 | 2013 |
Campaign contributions and judicial decisions in partisan and nonpartisan elections DM Cann, CW Bonneau, BD Boyea New directions in judicial politics, 38-52, 2012 | 32 | 2012 |
Strategic campaigning, closeness, and voter mobilization in US Presidential elections DM Cann, JB Cole Electoral Studies 30 (2), 344-352, 2011 | 26 | 2011 |
These estimable courts: Understanding public perceptions of state judicial institutions and legal policy-making DM Cann, J Yates Oxford University Press, 2016 | 22 | 2016 |
Analyzing text complexity in political science research DM Cann, G Goelzhauser, K Johnson PS: Political Science & Politics 47 (3), 663-666, 2014 | 21 | 2014 |
Voter response to congressional campaigns: new techniques for analyzing aggregate electoral behavior SJ Basinger, DM Cann, MJ Ensley Public Choice 150, 771-792, 2012 | 20 | 2012 |