Juan Roldan-Merino (ORCID:0000-0002-7895-6083)
Juan Roldan-Merino (ORCID:0000-0002-7895-6083)
Profesor titular Campus Docent Sant Joan de Deu Fundacio Privada
在 sjd.edu.es 的电子邮件经过验证
Calidad de vida relacionada con salud oral: Impacto de diversas situaciones clínicas odontológicas y factores socio-demográficos. Revisión de la literatura
CV Diaz-Reissner, I Casas-García, J Roldán-Merino
International journal of odontostomatology 11 (1), 31-39, 2017
Critical thinking in nursing: Scoping review of the literature
E Zuriguel Perez, MT Lluch Canut, A Falco Pegueroles, M Puig Llobet, ...
International journal of nursing practice 21 (6), 820-830, 2015
The therapeutic relationship in inpatient psychiatric care: A narrative review of the perspective of nurses and patients
AR Moreno-Poyato, P Montesó-Curto, P Delgado-Hito, R Suárez-Pérez, ...
Archives of Psychiatric Nursing 30 (6), 782-787, 2016
Assessing positive mental health in people with chronic physical health problems: correlations with socio-demographic variables and physical health status
T Lluch-Canut, M Puig-Llobet, A Sánchez-Ortega, J Roldán-Merino, ...
BMC Public Health 13, 1-11, 2013
Avaliação das propriedades psicométricas do Questionário de Saúde Mental Positiva em estudantes portugueses do ensino superior
C Sequeira, JC Carvalho, F Sampaio, L Sá, T Lluch-Canut, ...
Revista Portuguesa de Enfermagem de Saúde Mental, 45-53, 2014
Ethical conflict in critical care nursing: Correlation between exposure and types
A Falco-Pegueroles, T Lluch-Canut, J Roldan-Merino, J Goberna-Tricas, ...
Nursing ethics 22 (5), 594-607, 2015
Incidence of tuberculosis infection among healthcare workers: Risk factors and 20-year evolution
I Casas, M Esteve, R Guerola, I García-Olivé, J Roldán-Merino, ...
Respiratory medicine 107 (4), 601-607, 2013
Clinical nurses's critical thinking level according to sociodemographic and professional variables (phase II): a correlational study
E Zuriguel-Pérez, A Falcó-Pegueroles, S Agustino-Rodríguez, ...
Nurse education in practice 41, 102649, 2019
Relationship between the nursing practice environment and the therapeutic relationship in acute mental health units: A cross-sectional study.
DJXRMJF Roviralta-Vilella M, Moreno-Poyato AR, Rodríguez-Nogueira O
Int J Ment Health Nurs, 2019
Improving the therapeutic relationship in inpatient psychiatric care: Assessment of the therapeutic alliance and empathy after implementing evidence-based practices resulting …
AR Moreno Poyato, P Delgado-Hito, R Suárez-Pérez, MT Lluch Canut, ...
Perspectives in Psychiatric Care, 2018, vol. 54, num. 2, p. 300-308, 2018
Development and psychometric properties of the nursing critical thinking in clinical practice questionnaire
E Zuriguel‐Pérez, A Falcó‐Pegueroles, J Roldán‐Merino, ...
Worldviews on Evidence‐Based Nursing 14 (4), 257-264, 2017
Reliability and validity of the Positive Mental Health Questionnaire in a sample of Spanish university students
J Roldán‐Merino, MT Lluch‐Canut, I Casas, M Sanromà‐Ortíz, ...
Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing 24 (2-3), 123-133, 2017
Levels of positive mental health in Portuguese and Spanish nursing students
C Sequeira, JC Carvalho, A Gonçalves, MJ Nogueira, T Lluch-Canut, ...
Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association 26 (5), 483-492, 2020
Crisis en el sector sanitario: impacto percibido en las condiciones de trabajo de las enfermeras
A Granero-Lázaro, JM Blanch-Ribas, JF Roldán-Merino, ...
Enfermería clínica 27 (3), 163-171, 2017
Effectiveness of mental health literacy programs in primary and secondary schools: A systematic review with meta-analysis
ID Amado-Rodriguez, R Casanas, L Mas-Exposito, P Castellvi, ...
Children 9 (4), 480, 2022
Critical thinking: A comparative analysis between nurse managers and registered nurses
E Zuriguel‐Pérez, MT Lluch‐Canut, S Agustino‐Rodríguez, ...
Journal of nursing management 26 (8), 1083-1090, 2018
Implementation of evidence on the nurse-patient relationship in psychiatric wards through a mixed method design: study protocol
AR Moreno-Poyato, P Delgado-Hito, R Suárez-Pérez, JM Leyva-Moral, ...
BMC nursing 16, 1-7, 2017
Psychometric properties of instruments measuring quality and satisfaction in mental health: A systematic review
S Sanchez‐Balcells, M Callarisa Roca, N Rodriguez‐Zunino, ...
Journal of advanced nursing 74 (11), 2497-2510, 2018
Examining the association between evidence‐based practice and the nurse‐patient therapeutic relationship in mental health units: A cross‐sectional study
AR Moreno‐Poyato, G Casanova‐Garrigos, JF Roldán‐Merino, ...
Journal of Advanced Nursing 77 (4), 1762-1771, 2021
A relação de ajuda como intervenção de enfermagem: Uma scoping review
JC Ferreira Coelho, F Sampaio, S Teixeira, V Parola, C Sequeira, ...
Revista Portuguesa de Enfermagem de Saúde Mental, 63-72, 2020
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