Charles Edison Tripp
Charles Edison Tripp
Computational Science Center, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
在 nrel.gov 的电子邮件经过验证
Multi-objective goal-directed optimization of de novo stable organic radicals for aqueous redox flow batteries
SS SV, JN Law, CE Tripp, D Duplyakin, E Skordilis, D Biagioni, RS Paton, ...
Nature Machine Intelligence 4 (8), 720-730, 2022
Transferable reinforcement learning for smart homes
X Zhang, X Jin, C Tripp, DJ Biagioni, P Graf, H Jiang
Proceedings of the 1st international workshop on reinforcement learning for …, 2020
A modular and transferable reinforcement learning framework for the fleet rebalancing problem
E Skordilis, Y Hou, C Tripp, M Moniot, P Graf, D Biagioni
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 23 (8), 11903-11916, 2021
A simplified, efficient approach to hybrid wind and solar plant site optimization
C Tripp, D Guittet, J King, A Barker
Wind Energy Science Discussions 2021, 1-22, 2021
FRC: a high-performance concurrent parallel deferred reference counter for C++
C Tripp, D Hyde, B Grossman-Ponemon
Acm Sigplan Notices 53 (5), 14-28, 2018
Stochastic agent-based model for predicting turbine-scale raptor movements during updraft-subsidized directional flights
R Sandhu, C Tripp, E Quon, R Thedin, M Lawson, D Brandes, CJ Farmer, ...
Ecological Modelling 466, 109876, 2022
Short-term wind forecasting using statistical models with a fully observable wind flow
J Perr-Sauer, C Tripp, M Optis, J King
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1452 (1), 012083, 2020
Hybrid optimization and performance platform (HOPP)
CE Tripp, D Guittet, A Barker, J King, B Hamilton
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Golden, CO (United States), 2019
Finding similar images based on extracting keys from images
C Tripp, J Li
US Patent 9,384,519, 2016
Approximate Kalman filter Q-learning for continuous state-space MDPs
C Tripp, RD Shachter
arXiv preprint arXiv:1309.6868, 2013
graphenv: a Python library for reinforcement learning on graph search spaces
D Biagioni, CE Tripp, S Clark, D Duplyakin, J Law, PCS John
Journal of Open Source Software 7 (77), 4621, 2022
Virtual engineering (ve)(vebio)
E Young, J Stickel, H Sitaraman, A Glaws, J Lischeske
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Golden, CO (United States), 2022
A cyber-physical system for freeway ramp meter signal control using deep reinforcement learning in a connected environment
Y Hou, X Zhang, P Graf, C Tripp, D Biagioni
2021 IEEE International Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC …, 2021
Backtracking for more efficient large scale dynamic programming
C Tripp, R Shachter
2012 11th International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications 1 …, 2012
Measuring the Energy Consumption and Efficiency of Deep Neural Networks: An Empirical Analysis and Design Recommendations
CE Tripp, J Perr-Sauer, J Gafur, A Nag, A Purkayastha, S Zisman, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2403.08151, 2024
Green AI: Insights Into Deep Learning's Looming Energy Efficiency Crisis
C Tripp, E Bensen, L Hayne, J Perr-Sauer, M Lunacek
National Renewable Energy Lab.(NREL), Golden, CO (United States), 2022
An Empirical Deep Dive into Deep Learning's Driving Dynamics
CE Tripp, J Perr-Sauer, L Hayne, M Lunacek
arXiv preprint arXiv:2207.12547, 2022
Ssrs (stochastic soaring raptor simulator)
R Sandhu, C Tripp, E Quon, R Thedin, L Williams, P Doubrawa, C Draxl, ...
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Golden, CO (United States), 2021
rlmolecule: A library for general-purpose material and molecular optimization using AlphaZero-style reinforcement learning
D Biagioni, E Skordilis, C Tripp, D Duplyakin, P St John
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Golden, CO (United States), 2020
A three-dimensional model of terrain-induced updrafts for movement ecology studies
R Thedin, D Brandes, E Quon, R Sandhu, C Tripp
Movement Ecology 12 (1), 25, 2024
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