Bruce Dvorak
Bruce Dvorak
Professor, Department of Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning, Texas A&M University
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Green roof vegetation for North American ecoregions: a literature review
B Dvorak, A Volder
Landscape and urban planning 96 (4), 197-213, 2010
Event size, substrate water content and vegetation affect storm water retention efficiency of an un-irrigated extensive green roof system in Central Texas
A Volder, B Dvorak
Sustainable Cities and Society 10 (2014), 59-64, 2013
Chemistry of growth medium and leachate from green roof systems in south-central Texas
JA Aitkenhead-Peterson, BD Dvorak, A Volder, NC Stanley
Urban Ecosystems 14, 17-33, 2011
Rooftop temperature reduction from unirrigated modular green roofs in south-central Texas
B Dvorak, A Volder
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 12 (1), 28-35, 2013
Plant establishment on unirrigated green roof modules in a subtropical climate
BD Dvorak, A Volder
AoB Plants 5, pls049, 2013
Comparative analysis of green roof guidelines and standards in Europe and North America
B Dvorak
Journal of Green building 6 (2), 170-191, 2011
Sustainable green roofs: a comprehensive review of influential factors
M Shahmohammad, M Hosseinzadeh, B Dvorak, F Bordbar, ...
Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 27, 2022
The Role of Green Roofs on Microclimate Mitigation Effect to Local Climates in Summer
J Park, JH Kim, B Dvorak, DK Lee
International Journal of Environmental Research, 1-9, 2018
Bioretention, low impact development, and stormwater management
MH Li, B Dvorak, CY Sung
Urban ecosystem ecology 55, 413-430, 2010
Ecoregional Green Roofs Theory and Application in the Western USA and Canada
B Dvorak
https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/978-3-030-58395-8.pdf 1, 626, 2021
Chicago City Hall green roof: its evolving form and care
B Dvorak, K Carroll
sixth annual international rooftops for sustainable communities conference …, 2008
Native plant establishment on a custom modular living wall system in a humid subtropical climate
B Dvorak, S Yang, T Menotti, Z Pace, S Mehta, AK Ali
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 63, 127234, 2021
Plant species survival on three water conserving green roofs in a hot humid subtropical climate
B Dvorak, B Byerley, A Volder
Journal of Living Architecture 1 (1), 14, 2013
Landscape performance: Quantified benefits and lessons learned from a treatment wetland system and naturalized landscapes
MH Li, B Dvorak, Y Luo, M Baumgarten
Landscape Architecture Frontiers 1 (4), 56-68, 2013
Eco-regional Green Roof Case Studies
B Dvorak
Green Roof Ecosystems 223, pp.391-422, 2015
Theoretical development of ecoregional green roofs
B Dvorak, J Bousselot
Ecoregional Green Roofs: Theory and Application in the Western USA and …, 2021
The Chicago City Hall Green Roof Pilot Project: a Case Study
B Dvorak
Third International Conference on Smart and Sustainable Built Environments …, 2009
Park Seventeen Roof Garden: Landscape performance and Lessons Learned
Li, Ming-Han, Dvorak, Bruce, Yi, Lou, Manskey, Jim
Landscape Research Record, 148-156, 2014
The Greening of a Nature Museum – A Demonstration Project
B Dvorak
First Annual International Greening Rooftops for Sustainable Communities …, 2003
Plant Survival for Living Walls in a Subtropical Climate
B Dvorak, L Kirk, CD Volder, Astrid
Cities Alive 12th Annual Green Roof & Wall Conference Nashville, TN, 10, 2014
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