Axel Kaehne
Axel Kaehne
Evidence based Practice Research Centre
在 edgehill.ac.uk 的电子邮件经过验证
Focus groups with people with learning disabilities
A Kaehne, C O'Connell
Journal of intellectual disabilities 14 (2), 133-145, 2010
Person‐centred reviews as a mechanism for planning the post‐school transition of young people with intellectual disability
A Kaehne, S Beyer
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 58 (7), 603-613, 2014
Views of professionals on aims and outcomes of transition for young people with learning disabilities
A Kaehne, S Beyer
British Journal of Learning Disabilities 37 (2), 138-144, 2009
The transition of young people with learning disabilities to employment: what works?
S Beyer, A Kaehne
Journal on Developmental Disabilities 14 (1), 81-90, 2008
Bringing integration home: Policy on health and social care integration in the four nations of the UK
A Kaehne, D Birrell, R Miller, A Petch
Journal of Integrated Care 25 (2), 84-98, 2017
Evaluation of wrist and hip sedentary behaviour and moderate-to-vigorous physical activity raw acceleration cutpoints in older adults
GJ Sanders, LM Boddy, SA Sparks, WB Curry, B Roe, A Kaehne, ...
Journal of Sports Sciences 37 (11), 1270-1279, 2019
Transition partnerships: the views of education professionals and staff in support services for young people with learning disabilities.
A Kaehne, S Beyer
British Journal of Special Education 36 (2), 2009
Project SEARCH UK–evaluating its employment outcomes
A Kaehne
Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities 29 (6), 519-530, 2016
Co-production in integrated health and social care programmes: a pragmatic model
A Kaehne, A Beacham, J Feather
Journal of Integrated Care 26 (1), 87-96, 2018
Do public consultations work? The case of the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Bill
A Kaehne, H Taylor
Public Policy and Administration 31 (1), 80-99, 2016
Multiagency protocols in intellectual disabilities transition partnerships: A survey of local authorities in Wales
A Kaehne
Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities 7 (3), 182-188, 2010
What Works? Transition to employment for young people with learning disabilities
S Beyer, A Kaehne, J Grey, K Sheppard, A Meek
Final Report, 2008
Supported employment for young people with intellectual disabilities facilitated through peer support: A pilot study
A Kaehne, S Beyer
Journal of intellectual Disabilities 17 (3), 236-251, 2013
Partnerships in Local Government: The case of transition support services for young people with learning disabilities
A Kaehne
Public Management Review 15 (5), 611-632, 2013
Care Integration–From" One Size Fits All" to Person Centred Care: Comment on" Achieving Integrated Care for Older People: Shuffling the Deckchairs or Making the System …
A Kaehne
International journal of health policy and management 7 (10), 955, 2018
Complexity in programme evaluations and integration studies: what can it tell us?
A Kaehne
Journal of Integrated Care 24 (5/6), 313-320, 2016
Transition from children and adolescent to adult mental health services for young people with intellectual disabilities: a scoping study of service organisation problems
A Kaehne
Advances in Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities 5 (1), 9-16, 2011
Integration as a scientific paradigm
A Kaehne
Journal of Integrated Care 25 (4), 271-279, 2017
User involvement in service integration and carers' views of co-locating children's services
A Kaehne, C Catherall
Journal of health organization and management 27 (5), 601-617, 2013
The building blocks of integrated care
A Kaehne
International Journal of Integrated Care 16 (4), 2016
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