Dario Di giuseppe
Dario Di giuseppe
Università di Ferrara - Dipartimento di Fisica e Scienze della Terra
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Batch and column experiments on nutrient leaching in soils amended with Italian natural zeolitites
N Colombani, M Mastrocicco, D Di Giuseppe, B Faccini, M Coltorti
Catena 127, 64-71, 2015
Pruritus characteristics in a large Italian cohort of psoriatic patients
G Damiani, S Cazzaniga, RR Conic, L Naldi, Psocare Registry Network, ...
Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology 33 (7), 1316-1324, 2019
Heavy metals in soils and sedimentary deposits of the Padanian Plain (Ferrara, Northern Italy): characterisation and biomonitoring
G Bianchini, C Natali, D Di Giuseppe, L Beccaluva
Journal of soils and sediments 12, 1145-1153, 2012
Variation of the hydraulic properties and solute transport mechanisms in a silty-clay soil amended with natural zeolites
N Colombani, M Mastrocicco, D Di Giuseppe, B Faccini, M Coltorti
Catena 123, 195-204, 2014
Latent tuberculosis infection in patients with chronic plaque psoriasis: evidence from the Italian Psocare Registry
P Gisondi, S Cazzaniga, S Chimenti, M Maccarone, M Picardo, ...
British Journal of Dermatology 172 (6), 1613-1620, 2015
High resolution short-term investigation of soil CO2, N2O, NOx and NH3 emissions after different chabazite zeolite amendments
G Ferretti, KM Keiblinger, M Zimmermann, D Di Giuseppe, B Faccini, ...
Applied soil ecology 119, 138-144, 2017
Ophiolite inheritance in the Po plain sediments: insights on heavy metals distribution and risk assessment
G Bianchini, D Di Giuseppe, C Natali, L Beccaluva
Ofioliti 38 (1), 1-14, 2013
Open-field experimentation of an innovative and integrated zeolitite cycle: project definition and material characterization
D Malferrari, A Laurora, MF Brigatti, M Coltorti, D Di Giuseppe, B Faccini, ...
Rendiconti Lincei 24, 141-150, 2013
New insights on mobility and bioavailability of heavy metals in soils of the Padanian alluvial plain (Ferrara Province, northern Italy)
D Di Giuseppe, LV Antisari, C Ferronato, G Bianchini
Geochemistry 74 (4), 615-623, 2014
Biodurability and release of metals during the dissolution of chrysotile, crocidolite and fibrous erionite
AF Gualtieri, G Lusvardi, A Zoboli, D Di Giuseppe, ML Gualtieri
Environmental research 171, 550-557, 2019
Contribution of the subsurface drainage system in changing the nitrogen speciation of an agricultural soil located in a complex marsh environment (Ferrara, Italy)
M Mastrocicco, N Colombani, D Di Giuseppe, B Faccini, M Coltorti
Agricultural Water Management 119, 144-153, 2013
Ammonium-charged zeolitite effects on crop growth and nutrient leaching: greenhouse experiments on maize (Zea mays)
T Campisi, F Abbondanzi, B Faccini, D Di Giuseppe, D Malferrari, ...
Catena 140, 66-76, 2016
Reclamation influence and background geochemistry of neutral saline soils in the Po River Delta Plain (Northern Italy)
D Di Giuseppe, B Faccini, M Mastrocicco, N Colombani, M Coltorti
Environmental earth sciences 72, 2457-2473, 2014
Natural and NH4+-enriched zeolitite amendment effects on nitrate leaching from a reclaimed agricultural soil (Ferrara Province, Italy)
B Faccini, D Di Giuseppe, G Ferretti, M Coltorti, N Colombani, ...
Nutrient cycling in agroecosystems 110, 327-341, 2018
Geochemical characterization and biomonitoring of reclaimed soils in the Po River Delta (Northern Italy): implications for the agricultural activities
D Di Giuseppe, G Bianchini, L Vittori Antisari, A Martucci, C Natali, ...
Environmental monitoring and assessment 186, 2925-2940, 2014
Multiproxy investigation of a Holocene sedimentary sequence near Ferrara (Italy): clues on the physiographic evolution of the eastern Padanian Plain
G Bianchini, S Cremonini, D Di Giuseppe, G Vianello, L Vittori Antisari
Journal of Soils and Sediments 14, 230-242, 2014
Short-term response of soil microbial biomass to different chabazite zeolite amendments
G Ferretti, KM Keiblinger, D Di Giuseppe, B Faccini, N Colombani, ...
Pedosphere 28 (2), 277-287, 2018
Chlorate origin and fate in shallow groundwater below agricultural landscapes
M Mastrocicco, D Di Giuseppe, F Vincenzi, N Colombani, G Castaldelli
Environmental Pollution 231, 1453-1462, 2017
Leaching behaviour of a sandy soil amended with natural and NH4+ and K+ saturated clinoptilolite and chabazite
M Eslami, R Khorassani, M Coltorti, D Malferrari, B Faccini, G Ferretti, ...
Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science 64 (8), 1142-1151, 2018
Assessment of the anthropogenic fluoride export in Addis Ababa urban environment (Ethiopia)
N Colombani, D Di Giuseppe, S Kebede, M Mastrocicco
Journal of Geochemical Exploration 190, 390-399, 2018
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