MA Castro
MA Castro
School of Health Sciences, Polytechnic of Leiria, Portugal;
在 ipleiria.pt 的电子邮件经过验证
Functional connectomics spanning multiple areas of mouse visual cortex
MICrONS Consortium, JA Bae, M Baptiste, CA Bishop, AL Bodor, ...
BioRxiv, 2021.07. 28.454025, 2021
Electromyography variables during the golf swing: A literature review
S Marta, L Silva, MA Castro, P Pezarat-Correia, J Cabri
Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 22 (6), 803-813, 2012
Motion analysis systems as optimization training tools in combat sports and martial arts
E Polak, J Kulasa, AV de Brito, MA Castro, O de Jesus Fernandes
Revista de Artes Marciales Asiáticas (RAMA) 10 (2), 105-123, 2015
Subjects with temporomandibular joint disc displacement do not feature any peculiar changes in body posture
T Rocha, MA Castro, L Guarda‐Nardini, D Manfredini
Journal of oral rehabilitation 44 (2), 81-88, 2017
Further insights into the floral character of Touriga Nacional wines
PG De Pinho, E Falqué, M Castro, HO e Silva, B Machado, ACS Ferreira
Journal of food science 72 (6), S396-S401, 2007
Recurrence quantification analysis and support vector machines for golf handicap and low back pain EMG classification
L Silva, JR Vaz, MA Castro, P Serranho, J Cabri, P Pezarat-Correia
Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 25 (4), 637-647, 2015
Psychophysiological stress response of adolescent chess players during problem-solving tasks
JP Fuentes-García, T Pereira, MA Castro, AC Santos, S Villafaina
Physiology & behavior 209, 112609, 2019
Trunk muscle activation during golf swing: Baseline and threshold
L Silva, S Marta, J Vaz, O Fernandes, MA Castro, P Pezarat-Correia
Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 23 (5), 1174-1182, 2013
Benefits of pilates in the elderly population: A systematic review and meta-analysis
MJ Pereira, R Mendes, RS Mendes, F Martins, R Gomes, J Gama, G Dias, ...
European Journal of Investigation in Health, Psychology and Education 12 (3 …, 2022
Electromyographic analysis of lower limb muscles during the golf swing performed with three different clubs
S Marta, L Silva, JR Vaz, MA Castro, G Reinaldo, P Pezarat-Correia
Journal of Sports Sciences 34 (8), 713-720, 2016
Heart and brain responses to real versus simulated chess games in trained chess players: a quantitative EEG and HRV study
JP Fuentes-García, T Pereira, MA Castro, A Carvalho Santos, S Villafaina
International journal of environmental research and public health 16 (24), 5021, 2019
Gait kinematics analysis of flatfoot adults
J Marouvo, F Sousa, O Fernandes, MA Castro, S Paszkiel
Applied Sciences 11 (15), 7077, 2021
Electromyographic analysis of the lower limb muscles in low-and high-handicap golfers
S Marta, L Silva, JR Vaz, MA Castro, G Reinaldo, P Pezarat-Correia
Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport 87 (3), 318-324, 2016
A Pilot Study of Game Design in the Unity Environment as an Example of the Use of Neurogaming on the Basis of brain–computer interface Technology to Improve Concentration
S Paszkiel, R Rojek, N Lei, MA Castro
NeuroSci 2 (2), 109-119, 2021
Dynamics of the prefrontal cortex during chess-based problem-solving tasks in competition-experienced chess players: an fNIR study
T Pereira, MA Castro, S Villafaina, A Carvalho Santos, JP Fuentes-García
Sensors 20 (14), 3917, 2020
Impact of flexibility on vertical jump, balance and speed in amateur football players
D Bogalho, R Gomes, R Mendes, G Dias, MA Castro
Applied Sciences 12 (11), 5425, 2022
Effects of motor task difficulty on postural control complexity during dual tasks in young adults: A nonlinear approach
M Saraiva, JP Vilas-Boas, OJ Fernandes, MA Castro
Sensors 23 (2), 628, 2023
Efficacy of Pilates in functional body composition: a systematic review
MJ Pereira, G Dias, R Mendes, RS Mendes, F Martins, R Gomes, J Gama, ...
Applied Sciences 12 (15), 7523, 2022
Effectiveness of therapeutic exercise in musculoskeletal risk factors related to swimmer’s shoulder
N Tavares, G Dias, P Carvalho, JP Vilas-Boas, MA Castro
European Journal of Investigation in Health, Psychology and Education 12 (6 …, 2022
Sport injuries in Portuguese female and male karateka: A retrospective study
AM VencesBrito, MA Rodrigues-Ferreira, M Antonio Castro, E Polak, ...
Ido Movement for Culture. Journal of Martial Arts Anthropology 19 (4), 51-57, 2019
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