Enrico Sella
Enrico Sella
Department of General Psychology, University of Padova
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The relationship between sleep quality and quality of life in aging: a systematic review and meta-analysis
E Sella, L Miola, E Toffalini, E Borella
Health psychology review 17 (1), 169-191, 2023
Self-reported sleep quality and dysfunctional sleep-related beliefs in young and older adults: changes in times of COVID-19 lockdown
E Sella, E Carbone, E Toffalini, E Borella
Sleep medicine 81, 127-135, 2021
The influence of metacognitive beliefs on sleeping difficulties in older adults
E Sella, N Cellini, L Miola, M Sarlo, E Borella
Applied Psychology: Health and Well‐Being 11 (1), 20-41, 2019
Personality traits and sleep quality: The role of sleep-related beliefs
E Sella, E Carbone, E Toffalini, E Borella
Personality and Individual Differences 156, 109770, 2020
Psychological benefits of attending forest school for preschool children: A systematic review
E Sella, M Bolognesi, E Bergamini, L Mason, F Pazzaglia
Educational Psychology Review 35 (1), 29, 2023
How elderly people’s quality of life relates to their sleep quality and sleep-related beliefs
E Sella, N Cellini, E Borella
Behavioral sleep medicine 20 (1), 112-124, 2022
Emotional, psychological, and cognitive changes throughout the COVID-19 pandemic in Italy: Is there an advantage of being an older adult?
E Carbone, R Palumbo, E Sella, G Lenti, A Di Domenico, E Borella
Frontiers in aging neuroscience 13, 712369, 2021
Strategies for controlling sleep-related intrusive thoughts, and subjective and objective sleep quality: how self-reported poor and good sleepers differ
E Sella, E Borella
Aging & Mental Health 25 (10), 1959-1966, 2021
Non-pharmacological interventions targeting sleep quality in older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis
E Sella, E Toffalini, L Canini, E Borella
Aging & Mental Health 27 (5), 847-861, 2023
Efficacy of memory training interventions targeting metacognition for older adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis
E Sella, E Carbone, M Vincenzi, E Toffalini, E Borella
Aging & Mental Health 27 (4), 674-694, 2023
The influence of individual characteristics on perceived restorativeness and benefits associated with exposure to nature in a garden
E Sella, C Meneghetti, V Muffato, E Borella, E Carbone, R Cavalli, ...
Frontiers in Psychology 14, 1130915, 2023
Adapt, explore, or keep going? the role of adaptability, curiosity, and perseverance in a network of study-related factors and scholastic success
T Feraco, E Sella, C Meneghetti, G Cona
Journal of Intelligence 11 (2), 34, 2023
How emotions induced by reading influence sleep quality in young and older adults
E Sella, R Palumbo, A Di Domenico, E Borella
Aging & Mental Health 27 (9), 1812-1820, 2023
Il Metacognitions Questionnaire-Insomnia (MCQ-I) e il Thought Control Questionnaire Insomnia-Revised (TCQI-R): adattamento italiano di due questionari metacognitivi per la …
E Sella, G De Min Tona, R De Beni
Psicoterapia Cognitiva e Comportamentale 22 (2), 2016
Music listening, emotion, and cognition in older adults
M Vincenzi, E Borella, E Sella, CF Lima, R De Beni, EG Schellenberg
Brain Sciences 12 (11), 1567, 2022
Individual differences between poor and good sleepers on thought control strategies, objective and subjective sleep quality
E Sella, E Borella
SLEEP MEDICINE 64, S342-S342, 2019
Emotion regulation, hope, and optimism during the third wave of the COVID-19 pandemic: The role of age and personality
E Carbone, G Lenti, E Sella, A Moè, E Borella
Plos one 19 (1), e0296205, 2024
The role of metamemory and personality in episodic memory performance in older adults
G Lenti, E Carbone, E Sella, KE Flegal, E Borella
Aging Clinical and Experimental Research 35 (3), 669-676, 2023
Effects of green and urban environment exposure during classroom breaks in a video-based setting
L Mason, E Sella, MM di Bosco, F Pazzaglia
Journal of Outdoor and Environmental Education, 1-23, 2024
Effects of Strategy-Based Memory Training for Older Adults: Do Booster Sessions Prompt Long-Term Benefits?
E Borella, E Sella, A Simonetto, N Bellorio, G Lenti, L Taconnat, ...
Brain Sciences 13 (9), 1301, 2023
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