wendy rowan
wendy rowan
Lecturer of Health Information Systems, University College Cork, Ireland
在 ucc.ie 的电子邮件经过验证
An exploration of the emotional impact of tele‐working via computer‐mediated communication
S Mann, R Varey, W Button
Journal of managerial Psychology 15 (7), 668-690, 2000
Privacy by design: informed consent and internet of things for smart health
Y O’Connor, W Rowan, L Lynch, C Heavin
Procedia computer science 113, 653-658, 2017
A picture of corporate communications management in the UK
RJ Varey
Corporate Communications: An International Journal 2 (2), 59-69, 1997
Open e-learning platforms and the design–reality gap: an affordance theory perspective
S McCarthy, W Rowan, N Kahma, L Lynch, TP Ertiö
Information Technology & People 35 (8), 74-98, 2021
Blended stakeholder participation for responsible information systems research
S McCarthy, W Rowan, L Lynch, C Fitzgerald
The dark side of digitalization and social media platform governance: a citizen engagement study
S McCarthy, W Rowan, C Mahony, A Vergne
Internet Research 33 (6), 2172-2204, 2023
Communication, clinical directorates, and the corporate NHS
WJ Button, G Roberts
Journal of Public Relations Research 9 (2), 141-162, 1997
Exploring user behaviours when providing electronic consent on health social networks: a ‘just tick agree’approach
W Rowan, Y O’Connor, L Lynch, C Heavin
Procedia Computer Science 121, 968-975, 2017
Comprehension, perception, and projection: the role of situation awareness in user decision autonomy when providing econsent
W Rowan, Y O'Connor, L Lynch, C Heavin
Journal of Organizational and End User Computing (JOEUC) 33 (6), 1-31, 2021
Vision and Voice in eConsent: Future Trends for Health Social Networks.
Y O'Connor, W Rowan, C Heavin
Procedia Computer Science 141, 396-404, 2018
The dark side of risk homeostasis when joining a Health Social Network
W Rowan, Y O'Connor, C Heavin, L Lynch
European Conference on Information Systems, ECIS, 2018
The role of digital leaders’ emotional intelligence in mitigating employee technostress
T Ertiö, T Eriksson, W Rowan, S McCarthy
Business Horizons, 2024
Teaching tip: Embedding sustainability in information systems design education
W Rowan, S McCarthy, S Mebrahtu, C Gauche, K O'Reilly, D Odili
Journal of Information Systems Education 35 (2), 122-137, 2024
Open e-learning platforms and the design-reality gap: exploring the impact of user-perceived functional affordances
S McCarthy, W Rowan, T Ertiö, L Lynch, N Kahma
ECIS; AIS eLibrary, 2021
The pragmatic school of thought in open science practice: A case study of multi-stakeholder participation in shaping the future of internet governance
S McCarthy, C Mahony, W Rowan, H Tran-Karcher, M Potet
University of Hawai'i at Manoa, 2021
Exploring the situational approach to decision making: User econsent on a health social network
W Rowan, Y O’Connor, L Lynch, C Heavin
International Journal of Economics and Management Engineering 11 (11), 2652-2657, 2017
Labouring the label: cK or DKNY
S Sharifi, W Button
Career Development International 3 (7), 287-292, 1998
Promoting active citizen engagement in sustainable energy transitions: a co-creation approach
W Rowan, S McCarthy, S Mebrahtu, T Ertiö, A Dimova, D Asenova, ...
Journal of Decision Systems, 1-12, 2024
Open e-learning platforms and the design-reality gap: exploring the
S McCarthy, W Rowan, T Ertiö, L Lynch, N Kahma
Beyond a “Take It” or “Leave It” Approach to eConsent Design on Health Social Networks: The Role of Emotion and Cognition
W Rowan, Y O'Connor, L Lynch, C Heavin
International Journal of Patient-Centered Healthcare (IJPCH) 10 (2), 31-51, 2020
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