Report of the NOAA panel on contingent valuation K Arrow, R Solow, PR Portney, EE Leamer, R Radner, H Schuman Federal register 58 (10), 4601-4614, 1993 | 6026 | 1993 |
Specification searches: Ad hoc inference with nonexperimental data EE Leamer, EE Leamer Wiley, 1978 | 3573 | 1978 |
Let's take the con out of econometrics EE Leamer The American Economic Review 73 (1), 31-43, 1983 | 3540 | 1983 |
Quantitative international economics EE Leamer, RM Stern Routledge, 2017 | 1704 | 2017 |
Sources of international comparative advantage. Theory and evidence EE Leamer | 1628 | 1984 |
International trade theory: the evidence EE Leamer, J Levinsohn Handbook of international economics 3, 1339-1394, 1995 | 1448 | 1995 |
The economic geography of the internet age EE Leamer, M Storper Economy, 431-455, 2017 | 1401 | 2017 |
Housing is the business cycle EE Leamer National Bureau of Economic Research, 2007 | 1190 | 2007 |
Sensitivity analyses would help EE Leamer The American Economic Review 75 (3), 308-313, 1985 | 1190 | 1985 |
Multicountry, multifactor tests of the factor abundance theory HP Bowen, EE Leamer, L Sveikauskas National Bureau of Economic Research, 1986 | 934 | 1986 |
Econometric evaluation of social programs, part I: Causal models, structural models and econometric policy evaluation JJ Heckman, EJ Vytlacil Handbook of econometrics 6, 4779-4874, 2007 | 784 | 2007 |
The Leontief paradox, reconsidered EE Leamer Journal of political Economy 88 (3), 495-503, 1980 | 754 | 1980 |
In search of Stolper-Samuelson effects on US wages EE Leamer National Bureau of Economic Research, 1996 | 752 | 1996 |
The Heckscher-Ohlin model in theory and practice EE Leamer International Finance Section, Department of Economics, Princeton University, 1995 | 722 | 1995 |
Measures of openness EE Leamer Trade policy issues and empirical analysis, 145-204, 1988 | 673 | 1988 |
Paths of development in the three-factor, n-good general equilibrium model EE Leamer Journal of political economy 95 (5), 961-999, 1987 | 521 | 1987 |
Vector autoregressions for causal inference? EE Leamer Carnegie-rochester conference series on Public Policy 22, 255-304, 1985 | 482 | 1985 |
Trade, wages and revolving door ideas EE Leamer National Bureau of Economic Research, 1994 | 475 | 1994 |
Does natural resource abundance increase Latin American income inequality? EE Leamer, H Maul, S Rodriguez, PK Schott Journal of development Economics 59 (1), 3-42, 1999 | 473 | 1999 |
A Flat World, a Level Playing Field, a Small World After All, or None of the Above? A Review of Thomas L. Friedman's The World is Flat EE Leamer Journal of Economic Literature 45 (1), 83-126, 2007 | 446 | 2007 |