Irene Gabutti
Irene Gabutti
在 unicatt.it 的电子邮件经过验证
Exploring “patient-centered” hospitals: a systematic review to understand change
I Gabutti, D Mascia, A Cicchetti
BMC health services research 17, 1-16, 2017
Assessing hospital performance indicators. What dimensions? Evidence from an umbrella review
E Carini, I Gabutti, EM Frisicale, A Di Pilla, AM Pezzullo, C De Waure, ...
BMC health services research 20, 1-13, 2020
Hospital contextual factors affecting the implementation of health technologies: a systematic review
A Grossi, I Hoxhaj, I Gabutti, ML Specchia, A Cicchetti, S Boccia, ...
BMC Health Services Research 21 (1), 407, 2021
Translating strategy into practice: A tool to understand organizational change in a Spanish university hospital. An in-depth analysis in Hospital Clinic
I Gabutti, A Cicchetti
International Journal of Healthcare Management, 2017
Assessing organizational readiness to change through a framework applied to hospitals
I Gabutti, C Colizzi, T Sanna
Public Organization Review 23 (1), 1-22, 2023
HRM practices and organizational change: Evidence from Italian clinical directorates
I Gabutti, F Morandi
Health Services Management Research 32 (2), 78-88, 2019
Hiring the right CEO: a pilot explorative study of the most innovative CEOs’ career pathways in the healthcare sector
I Gabutti
International Journal of Healthcare Management, 2019
Designing the role of middle managers: An empirical perspective in the hospital sector
I Gabutti
International Journal of Healthcare Management 16 (4), 524-533, 2023
Analisi dei modelli organizzativi di risposta al Covid-19 in Italia: evidenze da 2 anni di Instant Report Altems
A Cicchetti, E Di Brino, A Di Pilla
Giornale Italiano di Health Technology Assessment & Delivery 15 (4), 1-25, 2022
Balanced Scorecard for performance assessment in healthcare settings: a review of literature
P Cacciatore, P Kannengiesser, E Carini, A Di Pilla, AM Pezzullo, ...
European Journal of Public Health 29 (Supplement_4), ckz186. 396, 2019
Measuring organizational performance. A review of the dimensions of hospital performance indicators
E Carini, AM Pezzullo, EM Frisicale, P Cacciatore, AD Pilla, A Grossi, ...
European Journal of Public Health 29 (Supplement_4), ckz185. 617, 2019
Approcci innovativi per la valutazione dei Direttori Generali: evidenze preliminari per il SSN
I Gabutti, D Mascia
Understanding the gap between policy and facts: The Italian experience on federal decoupling in the implementation of breast units
I Gabutti, C Barneschi
World Medical & Health Policy 14 (1), 138-149, 2022
Filling the gap between theory and practice: A pilot study on parents' perceptions of integrated care for patients with borderline personality disorder
I Gabutti
The International Journal of Health Planning and Management 36 (6), 2366-2375, 2021
Measuring organizational performance. A review of the dimensions of hospital performance indicators [Pitch presentation]
E Carini, AM Pezzullo, EM Frisicale, P Cacciatore, A Di Pilla, A Grossi, ...
European Journal of Public Health 29 (Suppl 4), 226-227, 2019
L'applicazione di un dizionario delle competenze al management gestionale di un'azienda socio-sanitaria
A Cicchetti, S Iaia, R Dimonte, G Daniele
Mecosan: management ed economia sanitaria: 105, 1, 2018, 25-39, 2018
Healthcare Homes and Community Health Homes: strengthening community-based care to build resilient health systems. The case study of the Romagna Local Health Authority.
C Reno, I Gabutti, F Lanzillotta, R Biagini, MJ de la Rosa, M Menozzi, ...
Population Medicine 5 (Supplement), 2023
Staffing standards in residential facilities: a regional regulatory survey
L Martini, D Pandolfi, I Gabutti, L Apuzzo, D Mantoan
Assistenza Infermieristica e Ricerca: AIR 42 (2), 73-81, 2023
La programmazione del personale sanitario in ambito territoriale: una revisione sistematica della letteratura e analisi del contesto italiano in base al PNRR e DM77/2022
L Martini, L Apuzzo, D Mantoan, I Gabutti, D Pandolfi
Mecosan: management ed economia sanitaria: 124, 4, 2022, 7-43, 2022
Driving health technologies towards performance: a contextualisation within the hospital setting
I Gabutti
International Journal of Technology, Policy and Management, https://www …, 2021
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