Maja Kajin
Maja Kajin
Marie Curie Fellow, University of Oxford, Dept. of Biology, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
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Indices of movement behaviour: conceptual background, effects of scale and location errors
PJAL Almeida, MV Vieira, M Kajin, G Forero-Medina, R Cerqueira
Zoologia (Curitiba) 27, 674-680, 2010
The first confirmed decline of a delphinid population from Brazilian waters: 2000–2015 abundance of Sotalia guianensis in Guanabara Bay, South-eastern Brazil
AF Azevedo, RR Carvalho, M Kajin, M Van Sluys, TL Bisi, HA Cunha, ...
Ecological Indicators 79, 1-10, 2017
Nine-year demography of the black-eared opossum Didelphis aurita (Didelphimorphia: Didelphidae) using life tables
M Kajin, R Cerqueira, MV Vieira, R Gentile
Revista Brasileira de Zoologia 25, 206-213, 2008
Estimating puma Puma concolor population size in a human-disturbed landscape in Brazil, using DNA mark–recapture data
RA Miotto, M Cervini, M Kajin, RA Begotti, PM Galetti
Oryx 48 (2), 250-257, 2014
Abundance of small mammals in the Atlantic Forest (ASMAF): a data set for analyzing tropical community patterns
MSL Figueiredo, CS Barros, AC Delciellos, EB Guerra, P Cordeiro-Estrela, ...
Ecology 98 (11), 2981, 2017
Forced neighbours: Coexistence between jaguars and pumas in a harsh environment
S Astete, J Marinho-Filho, M Kajin, G Penido, B Zimbres, R Sollmann, ...
Journal of Arid Environments 146, 27-34, 2017
A comparison of abundance estimators for small mammal populations
M Pacheco, M Kajin, R Gentile, PL Zangrandi, MV Vieira, R Cerqueira
Zoologia (Curitiba) 30, 182-190, 2013
Microhabitat selection when detection is imperfect: the case of an endemic Atlantic forest mammal
M Kajin, CEV Grelle
Ecological research 27, 1005-1013, 2012
Marsupial population dynamics in a tropical rainforest: intraspecific competition and nonlinear effect of rainfall
MS Ferreira, M Kajin, R Cerqueira, MV Vieira
Journal of Mammalogy 97 (1), 121-127, 2016
Abundance Estimates of Guiana Dolphins (Sotalia guianensis; Van Bénéden, 1864) Inhabiting an Estuarine System in Southeastern Brazil.
AB de Mello, J Molina, M Kajin, MC de O Santos
Aquatic Mammals 45 (1), 2019
What if it gets crowded? Density‐dependent tortuosity in individual movements of a N eotropical mammal
PJ AL Almeida, MV Vieira, JA Prevedello, M Kajin, G Forero‐Medina, ...
Austral Ecology 40 (7), 758-764, 2015
The state of the art of population projection models: from the Leslie matrix to evolutionary demography
M Kajin, PJAL Almeida, MV Vieira, R Cerqueira
Oecologia Australis 16 (1), 13-22, 2012
You can’t run but you can hide: the negative influence of human presence on mid-sized mammals on an Atlantic island
ICM Lessa, ÁC Ferreguetti, M Kajin, CR Dickman, HG Bergallo
Journal of coastal conservation 21, 829-836, 2017
Life history of a neotropical marsupial: Evaluating potential contributions of survival and reproduction to population growth rate
MS Ferreira, M Kajin, MV Vieira, PL Zangrandi, R Cerqueira, R Gentile
Mammalian Biology 78 (6), 406-411, 2013
Detecting and modelling delayed density-dependence in abundance time series of a small mammal (Didelphis aurita)
E Brigatti, MV Vieira, M Kajin, P Almeida, MA De Menezes, R Cerqueira
Scientific Reports 6 (1), 19553, 2016
Shallow‐water habitat use and population parameters of rough‐toothed dolphins, Steno bredanensis (G. Cuvier in Lesson, 1828) in southeastern Brazil
RR Carvalho, J Lailson‐Brito Jr, M Kajin, CEP Quintana, KS Pereira, ...
Marine Mammal Science 37 (2), 717-732, 2021
Equilíbrio de Nash e estratégias evolutivamente estáveis: a teoria dos jogos na ecologia de populações
P Almeida, M Kajin, MV Vieira
Oecologia australis 16 (1), 127-140, 2012
Demografia, dinâmica e genética de populações de Didelphis aurita (Marsupialia, Didelphidae) na Mata Atlântica do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
M Kajin
M. Kajin, 2008
Mode of maternal provisioning in the fish genus Phalloceros: a variation on the theme of matrotrophy
E Zandonà, M Kajin, PA Buckup, JR Amaral, ICA Souto-Santos, ...
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 134 (4), 867-878, 2021
On the practice of toe clipping for small mammal studies in Brazil
D Loretto, M Weksler, A Lazar, AR Percequillo, CR Bonvicino, JL Cordeiro, ...
Sociedade Brasileira de Mastozoologia, 2013
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