Piotr Morzynski
Piotr Morzynski
在 fizyka.umk.pl 的电子邮件经过验证
New bounds on dark matter coupling from a global network of optical atomic clocks
P Wcisło, P Ablewski, K Beloy, S Bilicki, M Bober, R Brown, R Fasano, ...
Science advances 4 (12), eaau4869, 2018
Experimental constraint on dark matter detection with optical atomic clocks
P Wcisło, P Morzyński, M Bober, A Cygan, D Lisak, R Ciuryło, M Zawada
Nature Astronomy 1 (1), 0009, 2016
Cavity mode-width spectroscopy with widely tunable ultra narrow laser
A Cygan, D Lisak, P Morzyński, M Bober, M Zawada, E Pazderski, ...
Optics express 21 (24), 29744-29754, 2013
Absolute measurement of the 1S0 − 3P0 clock transition in neutral 88Sr over the 330 km-long stabilized fibre optic link
P Morzyński, M Bober, D Bartoszek-Bober, J Nawrocki, P Krehlik, ...
Scientific Reports 5 (1), 17495, 2015
Fibre-optic delivery of time and frequency to VLBI station
P Krehlik, J Kołodziej, M Lipiński, J Nawrocki, P Nogaś, A Marecki, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 603, A48, 2017
Strontium optical lattice clocks for practical realization of the metre and secondary representation of the second
M Bober, P Morzyński, A Cygan, D Lisak, P Masłowski, M Prymaczek, ...
Measurement Science and Technology 26 (7), 075201, 2015
Mass scaling and nonadiabatic effects in photoassociation spectroscopy of ultracold strontium atoms
M Borkowski, P Morzyński, R Ciuryło, PS Julienne, M Yan, BJ DeSalvo, ...
Physical Review A 90 (3), 032713, 2014
Absolute frequency measurement of rubidium 5S–7S two-photon transitions
P Morzyński, P Wcisło, P Ablewski, R Gartman, W Gawlik, P Masłowski, ...
Optics Letters 38 (22), 4581-4584, 2013
R. Ciury lo, PS Julienne, M. Yan, BJ DeSalvo, and TC Killian
M Borkowski, P Morzynski
Phys. Rev. A 90, 032713, 2014
Dual Hg-Rb magneto-optical trap
M Witkowski, B Nagórny, R Munoz-Rodriguez, R Ciuryło, PS Żuchowski, ...
Optics Express 25 (4), 3165-3179, 2017
Absolute frequency determination of molecular transition in the Doppler regime at kHz level of accuracy
K Bielska, S Wójtewicz, P Morzyński, P Ablewski, A Cygan, M Bober, ...
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 201, 156-160, 2017
Accuracy budget of the 88Sr optical atomic clocks at KL FAMO
C Radzewicz, M Bober, P Morzyński, A Cygan, D Lisak, ...
Physica Scripta 91 (8), 084003, 2016
Response of an optical cavity to phase-controlled incomplete power switching of nearly resonant incident light
S Wójtewicz, A Cygan, J Domysławska, K Bielska, P Morzyński, ...
Optics Express 26 (5), 5644-5654, 2018
Precision spectroscopy of cold strontium atoms, towards optical atomic clock
M Bober, J Zachorowski, W Gawlik, P Morzyński, M Zawada, D Lisak, ...
Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences: Technical Sciences, 2012
Absolute frequency measurement of the 6s21S0 → 6s6p3P1F = 3/2 → F′ = 5/2 201Hg transition with background-free saturation spectroscopy
A Linek, P Morzyński, M Witkowski
Optics Express 30 (24), 44103-44117, 2022
Automatic real-time control of magnetic field in an optical atomic clock
M Zarei, A Ledziński, M Bober, M Zawada, P Morzyński
2022 Joint Conference of the European Frequency and Time Forum and IEEE …, 2022
Two independent strontium optical lattice clocks for practical realization of the meter and secondary representation of the second
M Zawada, M Bober, P Morzyňski, A Cygan, D Lisak, P Masłlowski, ...
2015 Joint Conference of the IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium …, 2015
Line shape measurements of rubidium 5S-7S two-photon transition
P Morzyński, P Wcisło, P Ablewski, R Gartman, W Gawlik, P Masłowski, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 548 (1), 012023, 2014
First observation with global network of optical atomic clocks aimed for a dark matter detection
P Wcisło, P Ablewski, K Beloy, S Bilicki, M Bober, R Brown, R Fasano, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1806.04762, 2018
Photoassociation measurements to evaluate collisional shifts in strontium and prospects for clock spectroscopy with ytterbium molecules
M Bober, M Borkowski, P Morzynski, S Bilicki, P Ablewski, R Ciurylo, ...
2018 European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF), 326-329, 2018
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