Saman Majdi
Saman Majdi
Associate Prof. Uppsala Universitet
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Generation, transport and detection of valley-polarized electrons in diamond
J Isberg, M Gabrysch, J Hammersberg, S Majdi, KK Kovi, DJ Twitchen
Nature materials 12 (8), 760-764, 2013
Electron and hole drift velocity in chemical vapor deposition diamond
M Gabrysch, S Majdi, DJ Twitchen, J Isberg
Journal of Applied Physics 109 (6), 2011
Combined photoluminescence-imaging and deep-level transient spectroscopy of recombination processes at stacking faults in
A Galeckas, A Hallén, S Majdi, J Linnros, P Pirouz
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 74 (23), 233203, 2006
Compensation in boron‐doped CVD diamond
M Gabrysch, S Majdi, A Hallén, M Linnarsson, A Schöner, D Twitchen, ...
physica status solidi (a) 205 (9), 2190-2194, 2008
Transport behavior of holes in boron delta-doped diamond structures
RS Balmer, I Friel, S Hepplestone, J Isberg, MJ Uren, ML Markham, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 113 (3), 2013
Inversion in metal–oxide–semiconductor capacitors on boron-doped diamond
KK Kovi, Ö Vallin, S Majdi, J Isberg
IEEE Electron Device Letters 36 (6), 603-605, 2015
Negative electron mobility in diamond
J Isberg, M Gabrysch, S Majdi, DJ Twitchen
Applied Physics Letters 100 (17), 2012
A lateral time-of-flight system for charge transport studies
J Isberg, S Majdi, M Gabrysch, I Friel, RS Balmer
Diamond and related materials 18 (9), 1163-1166, 2009
Single crystal diamond for infrared sensing applications
S Majdi, M Kolahdouz, M Moeen, KK Kovi, RS Balmer, HH Radamson, ...
Applied Physics Letters 105 (16), 2014
Stability of polarized states for diamond valleytronics
J Hammersberg, S Majdi, KK Kovi, N Suntornwipat, M Gabrysch, ...
Applied Physics Letters 104 (23), 2014
Hole transport in single crystal synthetic diamond at low temperatures
S Majdi, KK Kovi, J Hammersberg, J Isberg
Applied Physics Letters 102 (15), 2013
A Valleytronic Diamond Transistor: Electrostatic Control of Valley Currents and Charge-State Manipulation of NV Centers
N Suntornwipat, S Majdi, M Gabrysch, KK Kovi, V Djurberg, I Friel, ...
Nano Letters 21, 868–874, 2020
Low-temperature mobility-lifetime product in synthetic diamond
K Konishi, I Akimoto, H Matsuoka, V Djurberg, S Majdi, J Isberg, N Naka
Applied Physics Letters 117 (21), 2020
Carrier Scattering Mechanisms: Identification via the Scaling Properties of the Boltzmann Transport Equation
S Majdi, V Djurberg, N Suntornwipat, M Gabrysch, J Isberg
Advanced Theory and Simulations 4 (1), 2000103, 2020
Characterization by Internal Photoemission Spectroscopy of Single-Crystal CVD Diamond Schottky Barrier Diodes
S Majdi, M Gabrysch, R Balmer, D Twitchen, J Isberg
Journal of electronic materials 39, 1203-1208, 2010
Diamond electronic devices
Jan Isberg, Markus Gabrysch, Saman Majdi, Kiran Kumar Kovi, Richard Balmer
European Material Research Society meeting 2010, 2010
Graphene FET on diamond for high-frequency electronics
M Asad, S Majdi, A Vorobiev, K Jeppson, J Isberg, J Stake
IEEE Electron Device Letters 43 (2), 300-303, 2021
Low temperature conduction-band transport in diamond
S Majdi, M Gabrysch, KK Kovi, N Suntornwipat, I Friel, J Isberg
Applied Physics Letters 109 (16), 2016
A charge transport study in diamond, surface passivated by high-k dielectric oxides
KK Kovi, S Majdi, M Gabrysch, J Isberg
Applied Physics Letters 105 (20), 2014
Silicon oxide passivation of single-crystalline CVD diamond evaluated by the time-of-flight technique
KK Kovi, S Majdi, M Gabrysch, J Isberg
ECS Solid State Letters 3 (5), P65, 2014
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