Michael J. Campbell
Michael J. Campbell
其他姓名Mickey Campbell
Research Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, University of Utah
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Quantifying understory vegetation density using small-footprint airborne lidar
MJ Campbell, PE Dennison, AT Hudak, LM Parham, BW Butler
Remote Sensing of Environment 215, 330-342, 2018
A multi-sensor, multi-scale approach to mapping tree mortality in woodland ecosystems
MJ Campbell, PE Dennison, JW Tune, SA Kannenberg, KL Kerr, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 245, 2020
Using crowdsourced fitness tracker data to model the relationship between slope and travel rates
MJ Campbell, PE Dennison, BW Butler, WG Page
Applied Geography 106, 93-107, 2019
Scaled biomass estimation in woodland ecosystems: Testing the individual and combined capacities of satellite multispectral and lidar data
MJ Campbell, PE Dennison, KL Kerr, SC Brewer, WRL Anderegg
Remote Sensing of Environment 262, 112511, 2021
Optimal land cover mapping and change analysis in northeastern Oregon using Landsat imagery
M Campbell, RG Congalton, J Hartter, M Ducey
Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing 81 (1), 37-47, 2015
Safe separation distance score: a new metric for evaluating wildland firefighter safety zones using lidar
MJ Campbell, PE Dennison, BW Butler
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 31 (7), 1448-1466, 2017
A LiDAR-based analysis of the effects of slope, vegetation density, and ground surface roughness on travel rates for wildland firefighter escape route mapping
MJ Campbell, PE Dennison, BW Butler
International Journal of Wildland Fire 26 (10), 884-895, 2017
Escape Route Index: A spatially-explicit measure of wildland firefighter egress capacity
MJ Campbell, WG Page, PE Dennison, BW Butler
Fire 2 (3), 40, 2019
Requirements for labelling forest polygons in an object-based image analysis classification
MG MacLean, MJ Campbell, DS Maynard, MJ Ducey, RG Congalton
International Journal of Remote Sensing 34 (7), 2531-2547, 2013
Assessing Potential Safety Zone Suitability Using a New Online Mapping Tool
M Campbell, P Dennison, M Thompson, B Butler
Fire 5 (1), 5, 2022
Modeling wildland firefighter travel rates by terrain slope: Results from GPS-tracking of type 1 crew movement
PR Sullivan, MJ Campbell, PE Dennison, SC Brewer, BW Butler
Fire 3 (3), 52, 2020
Forest views: Northeast Oregon survey looks at community and environment
LC Hamilton, JN Hartter, F Stevens, RG Congalton, MJ Ducey, ...
Durham, NH: Carsey Institute, University of New Hampshire, 2012
Mapping individual tree and plot-level biomass using airborne and mobile lidar in piñon-juniper woodlands
M Campbell, J Eastburn, K Mistick, A Smith, A Stovall
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 118 …, 2023
Tradeoffs between UAS Spatial Resolution and Accuracy for Deep Learning Semantic Segmentation Applied to Wetland Vegetation Species Mapping
TM Saltiel, PE Dennison, MJ Campbell, TR Thompson, KR Hambrecht
Remote Sensing 14 (11), 2703, 2022
Modeling global indices for estimating non-photosynthetic vegetation cover
PE Dennison, BT Lamb, MJ Campbell, RF Kokaly, WD Hively, E Vermote, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 295 (1), 113715, 2023
Predicting the variability in pedestrian travel rates and times using crowdsourced GPS data
M Campbell, P Dennison, M Thompson
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 97, 101866, 2022
The impacts of climate change, energy policy and traditional ecological practices on future firewood availability for Diné (Navajo) People
K Magargal, K Wilson, S Chee, MJ Campbell, V Bailey, PE Dennison, ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 378 (1889), 20220394, 2023
Optimizing Landsat Next shortwave infrared bands for crop residue characterization
BT Lamb, PE Dennison, WD Hively, RF Kokaly, G Serbin, Z Wu, ...
Remote Sensing 14 (23), 6128, 2022
Landsat-based land cover change analysis in Northeastern Oregon’s timber resource dependent communities
MJ Campbell, RG Congalton
American Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 2012 Annual Conference …, 2012
Using remote sensing and climate data to map the extent and severity of balsam woolly adelgid infestation in northern Utah, USA
MJ Campbell, JP Williams, EM Berryman
Forests 14 (7), 1357, 2023
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