Michael Beam
Michael Beam
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The irony of satire: Political ideology and the motivation to see what you want to see in The Colbert Report
HL LaMarre, KD Landreville, MA Beam
The International Journal of Press/Politics 14 (2), 212-231, 2009
Facebook news and (de) polarization: Reinforcing spirals in the 2016 US election
MA Beam, MJ Hutchens, JD Hmielowski
Information, Communication & Society 21 (7), 940-958, 2018
Automating the news: How personalized news recommender system design choices impact news reception
MA Beam
Communication Research 41 (8), 1019-1041, 2014
Personalized news portals: Filtering systems and increased news exposure
MA Beam, GM Kosicki
Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 91 (1), 59-77, 2014
Reinforcing spirals of political discussion and affective polarization
MJ Hutchens, JD Hmielowski, MA Beam
Communication Monographs 86 (3), 357-376, 2019
Clicking vs. sharing: The relationship between online news behaviors and political knowledge
MA Beam, MJ Hutchens, JD Hmielowski
Computers in human behavior 59, 215-220, 2016
Filtering 2008 US presidential election news on YouTube by elites and nonelites: An examination of the democratizing potential of the internet
IB Dylko, MA Beam, KD Landreville, N Geidner
New Media & Society 14 (5), 832-849, 2012
Context collapse and privacy management: Diversity in Facebook friends increases online news reading and sharing
MA Beam, JT Child, MJ Hutchens, JD Hmielowski
New media & society 20 (7), 2296-2314, 2018
Enhancing web-based kidney disease prevention messages for Hispanics using targeting and tailoring
AJ Roberto, JL Krieger, MA Beam
Journal of Health Communication 14 (6), 525-540, 2009
Structural changes in media and attitude polarization: Examining the contributions of TV news before and after the Telecommunications Act of 1996
JD Hmielowski, MA Beam, MJ Hutchens
International Journal of Public Opinion Research 28 (2), 153-172, 2016
Diversity in news recommendations
A Bernstein, C de Vreese, N Helberger, W Schulz, K Zweig, C Baden, ...
Dagstuhl Manifestos 9 (1), 43-61, 2021
Asymmetry of partisan media effects?: Examining the reinforcing process of conservative and liberal media with political beliefs
JD Hmielowski, MJ Hutchens, MA Beam
Political Communication 37 (6), 852-868, 2020
Extending the spiral of silence: Partisan media, perceived support, and sharing opinions online
MY Wang, JD Hmielowski, MJ Hutchens, MA Beam
Journal of Information Technology & Politics 14 (3), 248-262, 2017
Effects of fact-checking political misinformation on perceptual accuracy and epistemic political efficacy
C York, JD Ponder, Z Humphries, C Goodall, M Beam, C Winters
Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 97 (4), 958-980, 2020
Democratic digital inequalities: Threat and opportunity in online citizenship from motivation and ability
MA Beam, JD Hmielowski, MJ Hutchens
American Behavioral Scientist 62 (8), 1079-1096, 2018
Talking politics: The relationship between supportive and opposing discussion with partisan media credibility and use
JD Hmielowski, S Staggs, MJ Hutchens, MA Beam
Communication Research 49 (2), 221-244, 2022
A spiral of skepticism? The relationship between citizens’ involvement with campaign information to their skepticism and political knowledge
MJ Hutchens, JD Hmielowski, BE Pinkleton, MA Beam
Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 93 (4), 1073-1090, 2016
Trust over use: Examining the roles of media use and media trust on misperceptions in the 2016 US presidential election
MJ Hutchens, JD Hmielowski, MA Beam, E Romanova
Mass Communication and Society 24 (5), 701-724, 2021
Rush, Rachel, and Rx: Modeling partisan media's influence on structural knowledge of healthcare policy
MJ Hutchens, JD Hmielowski, MA Beam
Mass Communication and Society 18 (2), 123-143, 2015
Effect of message format and content on attitude accessibility regarding sexually transmitted infections
P Jain, E Hoffman, M Beam, S Xu
Health Communication 32 (11), 1376-1384, 2017
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