vannhu Le
vannhu Le
PhD, Le Quy Don Technical University
在 lqdtu.edu.vn 的电子邮件经过验证
Optimized asymmetrical tangent phase mask to obtain defocus invariant modulation transfer function in incoherent imaging systems
VN Le, S Chen, Z Fan
Optics letters 39 (7), 2171-2174, 2014
Optimized square-root phase mask to generate defocus-invariant modulation transfer function in hybrid imaging systems
VN Le, Z Fan, NP Minh, S Chen
Optical Engineering 54 (3), 035103-035103, 2015
Resolution Enhancement and Background Suppression in Optical Super‐Resolution Imaging for Biological Applications
C Li, V Le, X Wang, X Hao, X Liu, C Kuang
Laser & Photonics Reviews 15 (1), 1900084, 2021
To extend the depth of field by using the asymmetrical phase mask and its conjugation phase mask in wavefront coding imaging systems
VN Le, Z Fan, QD Duong
Applied Optics 54 (12), 3630-3634, 2015
Sensor fusion based on complementary algorithms using MEMS IMU
DD Quoc, J Sun, NN Tan
International Journal of Signal Processing, Image Processing and Pattern …, 2015
Basic geometry and aberration characteristics of conicoidal conformal domes
F Dang, W Zhang, S Chen, H Wang, VN Le, J Yu, Z Fan
Applied optics 55 (31), 8713-8721, 2016
Extended depth-of field imaging by both radially symmetrical conjugating phase masks with spatial frequency post-processing
LV Nhu, C Kuang, X Liu
Optics Communications 411, 80-87, 2018
Complementary filter performance enhancement through filter gain
DD Quoc, J Sun, L Luo
International Journal of Signal Processing, Image Processing and Pattern …, 2015
Odd symmetrical square-root phase mask to extend the depth of field in wavefront-coded imaging systems
S Chen, Z Fan, W Zhang
Optik 126 (22), 3463-3466, 2015
Axial resolution enhancement for light sheet fluorescence microscopy via using the subtraction method
V Le, X Wang, C Kuang, X Liu
Optical Engineering 57 (10), 103107-103107, 2018
Forest height extraction from PolInSAR image using a hybrid method
NP Minh, C Wang, B Zou, QT Nguyen, VN Le
International Journal of Signal Processing, Image Processing and Pattern …, 2014
Optimization of wavefront coding imaging system based on the phase transfer function
V Le, Z Fan, S Chen, DD Quoc
Optik 127 (3), 1148-1152, 2016
General three-layer scattering model for forest parameter estimation using single-baseline polarimetric interferometry synthetic aperture radar data
NP Minh, B Zou, Y Zhang, V Le
Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 9 (1), 096043-096043, 2015
Background suppression in confocal scanning fluorescence microscopy with superoscillations
V Le, X Wang, C Kuang, X Liu
Optics Communications 426, 541-546, 2018
Extending depth of field for hybrid imaging systems via the use of both dark and dot point spread functions
LV Nhu, Z Fan, S Chen, F Dang
Applied Optics 55 (26), 7345-7350, 2016
Performance analysis of wavefront coding system with spherical aberration by using ray aberration approach
Y Shi, S Chen, Z Fan, W Zhang
Optik 130, 1266-1271, 2017
Attitude estimation algorithms using low cost IMU
DD Quoc, J Sun
International Journal of Control and Automation 8 (11), 113-126, 2015
Extended depth-of-field imaging through radially symmetrical conjugate phase masks
S Chen, VN Le, Z Fan, HC Tran
Optical Engineering 54 (11), 115103-115103, 2015
Micro-Doppler signatures based human activity classification using Dense-Inception Neural Network
NB Nguyen, MN Pham, VN Le, D DuongQuoc, VS Doan
2022 International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Communications …, 2022
Forest parameters inversion by mean coherence set from single-baseline PolInSAR data
HC Thieu, MN Pham
Advances in Space Research 68 (7), 2804-2818, 2021
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