Yi Jiang
Fostering adolescents’ value beliefs for mathematics with a relevance intervention in the classroom.
H Gaspard, AL Dicke, B Flunger, BM Brisson, I Häfner, B Nagengast, ...
Developmental psychology 51 (9), 1226, 2015
An expectancy-value-cost approach in predicting adolescent students’ academic motivation and achievement
Y Jiang, EQ Rosenzweig, H Gaspard
Contemporary Educational Psychology 54, 139-152, 2018
Self-efficacy and achievement goals as motivational links between perceived contexts and achievement
Y Jiang, J Song, M Lee, M Bong
Noncognitive psychological processes and academic achievement, 102-128, 2017
Dimensional comparisons: How academic track students’ achievements are related to their expectancy and value beliefs across multiple domains
H Gaspard, A Wigfield, Y Jiang, B Nagengast, U Trautwein, HW Marsh
Contemporary Educational Psychology 52, 1-14, 2018
Conformity of Korean adolescents in their perceptions of social relationships and academic motivation
Y Jiang, M Bong, S Kim
Learning and Individual Differences 40, 41-54, 2015
Family socioeconomic status and adolescents’ academic achievement: The moderating roles of subjective social mobility and attention
F Zhang, Y Jiang, H Ming, C Yang, S Huang
Journal of Youth and Adolescence 49, 1821-1834, 2020
Family socioeconomic status and the cognitive competence of very young children from migrant and non-migrant Chinese families: The mediating role of parenting self-efficacy and …
T Liu, X Zhang, Y Jiang
Early Childhood Research Quarterly 51, 229-241, 2020
The role of cost in adolescent students' maladaptive academic outcomes
Y Jiang, S Kim, M Bong
Journal of School Psychology 83, 1-24, 2020
The role of perceived teacher and peer relationships in adolescent students’ academic motivation and educational outcomes
F Wu, Y Jiang, D Liu, E Konorova, X Yang
Educational Psychology 42 (4), 439-458, 2022
High school students' expectancy, value, and cost profiles and their relations with engagement and achievement in Math and English
Y Jiang, L Zhang
Learning and Individual Differences 101, 102252, 2023
Assessing students' values and costs in three countries: Gender and age differences within countries and structural differences across countries
H Gaspard, Y Jiang, H Piesch, B Nagengast, N Jia, J Lee, M Bong
Learning and Individual Differences 79, 101836, 2020
Effects of informative and confirmatory feedback on brain activation during negative feedback processing
Y Woo, J Song, Y Jiang, C Cho, M Bong, S Kim
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9, 378, 2015
Using cost to improve predictions of adolescent students' future choice intentions, avoidance intentions, and course grades in mathematics and English
Y Jiang, EQ Rosenzweig
Learning and Individual Differences 86, 101978, 2021
Effects of reward contingencies on brain activation during feedback processing
MB Yi Jiang, Sung-il Kim
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 2014
Longitudinal interrelations among self-efficacy, interest value, and effort cost in adolescent students’ English achievement and future choice intentions
L Zhang, Y Jiang, S Chen
Contemporary Educational Psychology 73, 102176, 2023
Individualism and Collectivism as Predictors of Creative Potentials and Real-Life Creativity in China and US
J Guo, Y Jiang, S Lin, W Pang
Creativity Research Journal, 1-12, 2023
Patterns of the satisfaction and frustration of psychological needs and their associations with adolescent students’ school affect, burnout, and achievement
L Zhang, Y Jiang
Journal of Intelligence 11 (6), 111, 2023
Distinct roles of self-oriented and socially prescribed perfectionism in Chinese adolescent students' achievement goals, classroom affect, and academic achievement
Y Jiang, E Konorova
Learning and Individual Differences 106, 102341, 2023
Distinct roles of perceived teacher and peer relationships in adolescent students’ academic motivation and outcomes: Father absence as a moderator
D Liu, Y Jiang, F Wu, X Yang, R Huang
Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology 16, 18344909221146236, 2022
The distinct roles of proximal and distal utility values in academic behaviors: Future time perspective as a moderator
J Song, Y Jiang
Frontiers in Psychology 10, 1061, 2019
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