Beate Wold Hygen
Beate Wold Hygen
PhD NTNU Social Research
在 samforsk.no 的电子邮件经过验证
The impact of social media use on appearance self-esteem from childhood to adolescence–A 3-wave community study
S Steinsbekk, L Wichstrøm, F Stenseng, J Nesi, BW Hygen, V Skalická
Computers in Human Behavior 114, 106528, 2021
Symptoms of internet gaming disorder in youth: predictors and comorbidity
L Wichstrøm, F Stenseng, J Belsky, T von Soest, BW Hygen
Journal of abnormal child psychology 47, 71-83, 2019
Screen time and the development of emotion understanding from age 4 to age 8: A community study
V Skalická, B Wold Hygen, F Stenseng, SB Kårstad, L Wichstrøm
British Journal of Developmental Psychology 37 (3), 427-443, 2019
Time spent gaming and social competence in children: Reciprocal effects across childhood
BW Hygen, J Belsky, F Stenseng, V Skalicka, MN Kvande, ...
Child development 91 (3), 861-875, 2020
Child exposure to serious life events, COMT, and aggression: Testing differential susceptibility theory.
BW Hygen, J Belsky, F Stenseng, S Lydersen, IC Guzey, L Wichstrøm
Developmental psychology 51 (8), 1098, 2015
Are there two types of escapism? Exploring a dualistic model of escapism in digital gaming and online streaming.
F Stenseng, J Falch-Madsen, BW Hygen
Psychology of Popular Media 10 (3), 319, 2021
The co‐occurrence between symptoms of internet gaming disorder and psychiatric disorders in childhood and adolescence: prospective relations or common causes?
BW Hygen, V Skalická, F Stenseng, J Belsky, S Steinsbekk, L Wichstrøm
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 61 (8), 890-898, 2020
Secure attachment promotes the development of effortful control in boys
KR Viddal, TS Berg-Nielsen, MW Wan, J Green, BW Hygen, L Wichstrøm
Attachment & Human Development 17 (3), 319-335, 2015
Time spent gaming and psychiatric symptoms in childhood: cross-sectional associations and longitudinal effects
F Stenseng, BW Hygen, L Wichstrøm
European child & adolescent psychiatry 29 (6), 839-847, 2020
Catechol-O-methyltransferase Val158Met genotype moderates the effect of disorganized attachment on social development in young children
BW Hygen, IC Guzey, J Belsky, TS Berg-Nielsen, L Wichstrøm
Development and psychopathology 26 (4pt1), 947-961, 2014
Change in parenting, change in student–teacher relationships, and oxytocin receptor gene (OXTR): Testing a gene-×-environment (G× E) hypothesis in two samples.
BW Hygen, J Belsky, Z Li, F Stenseng, IC Güzey, L Wichstrøm
Developmental psychology 53 (7), 1300, 2017
Longitudinal relations between gaming, physical activity, and athletic self-esteem
BW Hygen, J Belsky, F Stenseng, S Steinsbekk, L Wichstrøm, V Skalicka
Computers in Human behavior 132, 107252, 2022
Running to get “lost”? Two types of escapism in recreational running and their relations to exercise dependence and subjective well-being
F Stenseng, IB Steinsholt, BW Hygen, P Kraft
Frontiers in Psychology 13, 1035196, 2023
Peer Problems and Hyperactivity–Impulsivity Among Norwegian and American Children: The Role of 5‐HTTLPR
F Stenseng, Z Li, J Belsky, BW Hygen, V Skalicka, IC Guzey, L Wichstrøm
Child development 89 (2), 509-524, 2018
Elevundersøkelsen 2018: Analyse av Elevundersøkelsen og Foreldreundersøkelsen
C Wendelborg, M Røe, TH Buland, BW Hygen
NTNU Samfunnsforskning AS, 2019
Disorganization, COMT, and Children's Social Behavior: The Norwegian Hypothesis of Legacy of Disorganized Attachment
Z Li, BW Hygen, KF Widaman, TS Berg-Nielsen, L Wichstrøm, J Belsky
Frontiers in psychology 7, 1013, 2016
Det er mye trygghet i den telefonen: Bruk av elektronisk kommunikasjon i barneverninstitusjon
BW Hygen, G Ulset
NTNU Samfunnsforskning AS, 2021
Ulike faktorer assosiert med avhengighetsproblematikk og pengebruk i Fortnite Battle Royale
BW Hygen, MB Øverland, C Wendelborg
NTNU Samfunnsforskning AS, 2023
Gaming motivation and well-being among Norwegian adult gamers: the role of gender and disability
BW Hygen, C Wendelborg, BE Solstad, F Stenseng, MB Øverland, ...
Frontiers in Medical Technology 6, 1330926, 2024
Inkludering og ekskludering i elevers digitale verden: Dypdykk i elevers aktivitet i sosiale medier og gaming og betydning for motivasjon og trivsel på skolen
BW Hygen, ID Hybertsen, M Røe, T Dahl, TH Buland, IH Hermstad, ...
NTNU Samfunnsforskning AS, 2023
文章 1–20