Ravi Shankar KVR
Ravi Shankar KVR
Associate Professor of Transportation Engineering, NIT Warangal
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Vehicle-type dependent car-following model for heterogeneous traffic conditions
KVR Ravishankar, TV Mathew
Journal of transportation engineering 137 (11), 775-781, 2011
Pedestrian risk analysis at uncontrolled midblock and unsignalised intersections
KVR Ravishankar, PM Nair
Journal of traffic and transportation engineering (English edition) 5 (2 …, 2018
Evaluation of pedestrian flow characteristics across different facilities inside a railway station
M Patra, E Sala, KVR Ravishankar
Transportation research procedia 25, 4763-4770, 2017
Neural network based vehicle-following model for mixed traffic conditions
TV Mathew, KVR Ravishankar
EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2012
Evaluation of area traffic management measures using microscopic simulation model
KVRR Shankar, C Prasad, TS Reddy
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 104, 815-824, 2013
Car-following behavior in traffic having mixed vehicle-types
T Mathew, K Ravishankar
Transportation Letters 3 (2), 109-122, 2011
Comparative study of pedestrian crossing behaviour at uncontrolled intersection and midblock locations
L Govinda, D Abhigna, PM Nair, KVRR Shankar
Transportation research procedia 48, 698-706, 2020
Pedestrian-vehicle interaction severity level assessment at uncontrolled intersections using machine learning algorithms
L Govinda, MRSK Raju, KVRR Shankar
Safety science 153, 105806, 2022
Analysis of lateral distance keeping behaviour in mixed traffic conditions with little lane discipline
VSH Bangarraju, KVR Ravishankar, TV Mathew
International Journal for Traffic and Transport Engineering 6 (4), 431-443, 2016
Crowd behavioural analysis at a mass gathering event
P Yugendar, KVR Ravishankar
Journal of KONBiN 46 (1), 5-20, 2018
Effect of vehicle composition and delay on roundabout capacity under mixed traffic conditions
D Abhigna, S Kondreddy, KVRR Shankar
Archives of transport 40 (4), 7-14, 2016
Acceleration and deceleration rates of various vehicle categories at signalized intersections in mixed traffic conditions
S Ramireddy, V Ala, KVR Ravishankar, A Mehar
Periodica Polytechnica Transportation Engineering 49 (4), 324-332, 2021
Multi Vehicle-Type Right Turning Gap-Acceptance and Capacity Analysis at Uncontrolled Urban Intersections
D Abhigna, DP Brahmankar, KVR Ravishankar
Periodica Polytechnica Transportation Engineering, 2018
Travel Time Prediction Modelling in Mixed Traffic Conditions
RKVR Jaya Krishna Jammula, Rajesh Bera
International Journal for Traffic and Transport Engineering 8 (1), 135-147, 2018
Applications of advanced technologies to transportation systems in indian context
K Shankar
International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering 4 (06), 394-397, 2011
Effect of gap acceptance behavior of the right turning vehicles on the major road stream for uncontrolled three-legged intersections under mixed traffic conditions
D Abhigna, M Ramees, KVR Ravishankar
International Journal of Engineering 31 (6), 870-876, 2018
Safety evaluation of horizontal curves on two lane rural highways using machine learning algorithms: a priority-based study for sight distance improvements
DT Godumula, KVR Ravi Shankar
Traffic injury prevention 24 (4), 331-337, 2023
Effect of vehicle composition on saturation flow at signalised intersections in mixed traffic conditions
R Sushmitha, KVR Ravishankar
IET Intelligent Transport Systems 14 (7), 647-656, 2020
Effect of Encroaching Vehicles on Saturation flow at Signalized Intersections in Mixed Traffic conditions
S Ramireddy, E Sala, KVR Ravishankar
Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series A, 1-7, 2020
Analysis and Comparison of Pedestrian Flow Characteristics Variation on Passageway, Stairway and Escalator in Intercity Railway Stations
RSKVR Eswar Sala, Monalisa Patra
International Journal of Transportation Engineering and Traffic System 3 (2 …, 2017
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