Hristos Courellis
Hristos Courellis
David Geffen School of Medicine, UCLA
在 mednet.ucla.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Sub-Vrms-Noise Sub-W/Channel ADC-Direct Neural Recording With 200-mV/ms Transient Recovery Through Predictive Digital Autoranging
C Kim, S Joshi, H Courellis, J Wang, C Miller, G Cauwenberghs
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits 53 (11), 3101-3110, 2018
Spatial encoding in primate hippocampus during free navigation
HS Courellis, SU Nummela, M Metke, GW Diehl, R Bussell, ...
PLoS biology 17 (12), e3000546, 2019
A 92dB dynamic range sub-μVrms-noise 0.8μW/ch neural-recording ADC array with predictive digital autoranging
C Kim, S Joshi, H Courellis, J Wang, C Miller, G Cauwenberghs
2018 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference-(ISSCC), 470-472, 2018
EEG channel interpolation using ellipsoid geodesic length
HS Courellis, JR Iversen, H Poizner, G Cauwenberghs
2016 IEEE biomedical circuits and systems conference (BioCAS), 540-543, 2016
EEG-based quantification of cortical current density and dynamic causal connectivity generalized across subjects performing BCI-monitored cognitive tasks
H Courellis, T Mullen, H Poizner, G Cauwenberghs, JR Iversen
Frontiers in neuroscience 11, 180, 2017
Using a novel approach to assess dynamic cortical connectivity changes following neurofeedback training in children on the autism spectrum
HS Courellis, AS Courelli, EVC Friedrich, JA Pineda
Neurotechnology and Brain Stimulation in Pediatric Psychiatric and …, 2019
Is heart rate variability a predictor for neurofeedback effects
EVC Friedrich, H Courellis, AL Tonnesen, R Gevirtz, JA Pineda
Proceedings of the 6th international brain-computer interface conference, 88-91, 2014
Encoding of predictive associations in human prefrontal and medial temporal neurons during Pavlovian appetitive conditioning
TG Aquino, H Courellis, AN Mamelak, U Rutishauser, PO John
Journal of Neuroscience 44 (17), 2024
Dorsal visual stream is preferentially engaged during externally guided action selection in Parkinson Disease
H Sparks, KA Cross, JW Choi, H Courellis, J Thum, E Koenig, N Pouratian
Clinical Neurophysiology 136, 237-246, 2022
A computational framework for effective isolation of single-unit activity from in-vivo electrophysiological recording
H Courellis, S Nummela, C Miller, G Cauwenberghs
2017 IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (BioCAS), 1-4, 2017
Abstract representations emerge in human hippocampal neurons during inference behavior
HS Courellis, J Mixha, AR Cardenas, D Kimmel, CM Reed, TA Valiante, ...
bioRxiv, 2023.11. 10.566490, 2023
Encoding of predictive associations in human prefrontal and medial temporal neurons during pavlovian conditioning
TG Aquino, H Courellis, AN Mamelak, U Rutishauser, JP O’Doherty
bioRxiv, 2023.02. 10.528055, 2023
EEG based inference of causal cortical network dynamics in reward-based decision making
HS Courellis, D Peterson, H Poizner, G Cauwenberghs, J Iversen
2015 IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (BioCAS), 1-4, 2015
Supplementary Material for Encoding of predictions and learning
TG Aquino, H Courellis, AN Mamelak, U Rutishauser, JP O’Doherty
The Variability of Representations in Mice and Humans Changes with Learning, Engagement, and Attention
P Venkatesh, CC Bennett, S Gale, J Minxha, H Courellis, GR Heller, ...
NeurIPS 2023 Workshop on Symmetry and Geometry in Neural Representations, 2023
Cortical Oscillatory Dynamics in Patients with Parkinson's Disease and Essential Tremor
H Courellis, A Kashanian, S Visagan, G McKhann, M Malekmohammadi, ...
JOURNAL OF NEUROSURGERY 132 (4), 73-73, 2020
Quantification of Electrophysiological Dynamics in Human Neocortex during Passive BCI
HS Courellis
University of California, San Diego, 2019
EEG-Based Quantification of Cortical Current Density and Dynamic Causal Connectivity
H Courellis, T Mullen, H Poizner
Ueli Rutishauser1, 4, John P. O’Doherty1, 3
TG Aquino, H Courellis, AN Mamelak
Modeling Electro-Mechanical Transduction In Cochlear Hair Cells
A Courelli, H Courellis
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