Eny Dyah Yuniwati
Eny Dyah Yuniwati
Universitas Wisnuwardhana Malang, Indonesia
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Pemanfaatan Limbah Susu Cair Dan Daun Paitan (Tithonia Diversifolia) Menjadi Pupuk Organik cair Untuk Meningkatkan Pertumbuhan Dan Hasil Tanaman Kailan
RIA Andrianieny, DE Yuniwati, Y Rahayu
Primodia 11 (2), 1-17, 2015
Farmers’ Based Technology Development for Sustainable Cassava Production System
ED Yuniwati, WHURH Howeler
International Journal of Agricultural Research 10 (2), 54-64, 2015
Land Husbandry: The Role Of Biochar As Soil Amendment On Intercropping Pattern Of Cassava And Maize
ED Yuniwati
ICoSTES 2018 1 (Universitas Islam Malang), 2018
How is organic fertilizer produced and applied to chili and eggplant plants?
ED Yuniwati, R Darmayanti, SMY Farooq
AMCA Journal of Community Development 3 (2), 88-94, 2023
Combating land degradation in cassava field by crop yield improvement
ED Yuniwati, N Basuki, EW Wisnubroto, WH Utomo
Basic Applied Sci. Res 2 (Soil science), 4975-4982, 2012
Utilizing university food gardens as an instructional tool for teaching horticulture: Gaining insights from project experience
ED Yuniwati, EI Arshad
AMCA Journal of Community Development 4 (1), 01-09, 2024
Distribution of Biochar Technology as an organic planting medium and optimal biochar dose for Abelmoschus Esculentus l. Moench growth and production
ED Yuniwati, IK Prasetya, YS Rahayu, Q Qomarudin, I Arshad
Assyfa International Scientific Journal 1 (1), 22-28, 2023
The Treatment combination of corn cob biochar and bio land organic fertilizer as soil amendment in Kale plant (brassica oleraceae var. acephala L.)
ED Yuniwati, AMLM Lestari
AMCA Journal of Science and Technology 1 (2), 25-30, 2021
Coping strategy based on socio-agriculture approach in Landslide Prone Area in the Gede Catchment, Malang Regency
N Muddarisna, H Masruroh, ED Yuniwati, AR Oktaviansyah
Development, Social Change and Environmental Sustainability, 39-43, 2021
The effectiveness of cover crops on soil loss control in gede catchment of malang regency, Indonesia.
M Nurul, ED Yuniwati, H Masruroh, AR Oktaviansyah
Journal of Degraded and Mining Lands Management 8 (2), 2673-2679, 2021
Is it feasible to establish a connection between cassava and rice in terms of their image?
ED Yuniwati, R Darmayanti, S Karim
Revenue Journal: Management and Entrepreneurship 1 (2), 54-58, 2024
Pemanfaatan Kebun Pangan Universitas Sebagai Sarana Pengajaran Hortikultura: Belajar dari Pengalaman Proyek
ED Yuniwati
Jurnal Penelitian Tindakan Kelas 1 (3), 135-143, 2024
Land Husbandry: The Role Of Biochar As A Soil Enhancer In Cassava Cropping System
International Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Research 3 …, 2017
Alternative waste management: composting and biochar conversion for metal remediation
ED Yuniwati, DR Novitasari, A Kamran
Revenue Journal: Management and Entrepreneurship 1 (1), 34-43, 2023
Eksplorasi potensi alami waduk menuju rancangan wisata desa Purwosekar Tajinan Kabupaten Malang
ED Yuniwati, AA Darmawan, R Firdaus
Dinamisia: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 4 (3), 398-407, 2020
Land husbandry: The effect of chicken manure and corn cob biochar on soil fertility and crop yield on intercropping planting pattern of cassava and corn
ED Yuniwati
European Journal of Advanced Research in Biological and Life Sciences Vol 6 (4), 2018
Pengaruh Umur Transplantasi Stek dan Konsentrasi Auksin pada Pertumbuhan Vegetatif Tanaman Kentang (Solanum Tuberosum L.)
NR Budi, I Prasetyo, ED Yuniwati
Primordia 12 (2), 102-16, 2016
The use of a micro-hydro power plant for the educational park area around the reservoir
N Fitriana, ED Yuniwati, AA Darmawan, R Firdaus
AMCA Journal of Science and Technology 1 (2), 34-40, 2021
The Application of Waste and Sediment Trader Boat Designs in Reservoir: A Community Empowerment
N Fitriana, ED Yuniwati, AA Darmawan, R Firdaus
International Conference on Community Development (ICCD 2020), 542-545, 2020
An automated approach using topographic position index (TPI) for landform mapping (case study: Gede Watershed, Malang Regency, East Java, Indonesia)
N Muddarisna, ED Yuniwati, H Masruroh, AR Oktaviansyah
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 412 (1), 012027, 2020
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