Goran Penev
Goran Penev
Institut društvenih nauka_Institute of Social Sciences, Belgrade, Serbia
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The burden of disease and injury in Serbia
Z Atanasković-Marković, V Bjegović, S Janković, N Kocev, U Laaser, ...
Belgrade: Ministry of health of the Republic of Serbia, 2003
Prostorni aspekti emigracije iz Srbije. Tri "vruće" emigracione zone [Spatial aspects of emigration out of Serbia: Three" Hot" emigration zones]
G Penev, J Predojević-Despić
Stanovništvo 50 (2), 35-64, 2012
Fertilitet ženskog stanovništva
M Rašević, G Penev
Populacija srbije početkom 21, 74-95, 2015
Population ageing trends in Serbia from the beginning of the 21st century and prospects until 2061: Regional aspect
G Penev
Zbornik Matice srpske za društvene nauke 148, 688-700, 2014
Samoubistva u Srbiji početkom 21. veka i kretanja u proteklih pedeset godina [Suicides in Serbia at the beginning of the 21st century and trends in the past fifty years]
G Penev, B Stanković
Stanovništvo 45 (2), 25-62, 2007
Demographic losses of Serbia in the First World War and their long-term consequences
B Radivojević, G Penev
Economic annals 59 (203), 29-54, 2014
Trendovi vanbračnih rađanja u Srbiji u drugoj polovini 20. i početkom 21. veka u širem evropskom kontekstu [Trends of extramarital births in Serbia in the second half of the …
B Stanković, G Penev
Stanovništvo 48 (1), 1-24, 2010
Mortality trends in Serbia during the 1990s
G Penev
Stanovništvo 41 (1-4), 93-130, 2003
Population of Serbia abroad by destination countries: Regional approach
J Predojević-Despić, G Penev
Bulletin of the Serbian geographical society 96 (2), 2016
Stanovništvo i domaćinstva Srbije prema popisu 2002. godine
G Penev (urednik)
Beograd: Republički zavod za statistiku, Centar za demografska istraživanja …, 2006
Zamena generacija u Srbiji u periodu 1950-2000 (The replacement of generations in Serbia in the period 1950-2000)
G Penev
Stanovništvo 39 (1-4), 45-71, 2001
Cohort fertility of Serb and ethnic Albanian women in FR Yugoslavia
G Penev
Emigration zones in Serbia: 2011 Census results
J Predojević-Despić, G Penev
Zbornik Matice srpske za društvene nauke 63 (148 (3/2014)), 383-397, 2014
Social protection and social inclusion in the Republic of Serbia
J Bajec, G Krstic, L Pejin-Stokic, G Penev
Belgrade: Economics Institute of Serbia, 2008
The population change in Serbia in the post-Yugoslav period (1991-2017): significant demographic aspects
GD Penev, DJR Predojević
Sociološki pregled 53 (3), 1183-1216, 2019
Sociokulturni kontekst suicidnog ponašanja i neke relevantne činjenice o samoubistvima u Srbiji [Socio-cultural context of suicidal behavior and some relevant data about …
B Stanković, G Penev
Sociološki pregled 43 (2), 155-184, 2009
The burden of disease and injury in Serbia
Z Atanackovic-Markovic, V Bjegovic, S Jankovic, N Kocev, U Laaser, ...
Serbian Burden of Disease study-an EU funded project managed by the European …, 2003
Novije promene u populacionoj dinamici Srbije i balkanskih zemalja [Recent Trends in Population Dynamics of Serbia and other Balkan Countries]
G Penev
Демографија - Demography 7 (2010), 45-78, 2010
Demografsko starenje u Srbiji, Evropi i svetu u drugoj polovini 20. veka i perspektive za 21. vek
G Penev
Starenje i starost - za bezbedan i aktivni život. Šesti gerontološki kongres …, 2002
Dynamic Historical Analysis of Longer Term Migratory, Labour Market and Human Capital Processes in Serbia
V. Lukić, I. Marinković, V. Nikitović, I. Ostojić, G. Penev, J. Predojević ...
Country report developed within the project "SEEMIG Managing Migration and …, 2013
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