Erin L Beatty
Erin L Beatty
在 sdu.dk 的电子邮件经过验证
One-way traffic: The inferior frontal gyrus controls brain activation in the middle temporal gyrus and inferior parietal lobule during divergent thinking
O Vartanian, EL Beatty, I Smith, K Blackler, Q Lam, S Forbes
Neuropsychologia 118, 68-78, 2018
Structural correlates of Openness and Intellect: Implications for the contribution of personality to creativity
O Vartanian, CJ Wertz, RA Flores, EL Beatty, I Smith, K Blackler, Q Lam, ...
Human brain mapping 39 (7), 2987-2996, 2018
Effects of perspective and belief on analytic reasoning in a scientific reasoning task
EL Beatty, VA Thompson
Psychology Press, 2012
Transfer of training from one working memory task to another: behavioural and neural evidence
EL Beatty, ME Jobidon, F Bouak, A Nakashima, I Smith, Q Lam, K Blackler, ...
Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience 9, 86, 2015
The relationship between methods of scoring the alternate uses task and the neural correlates of divergent thinking: Evidence from voxel-based morphometry
O Vartanian, I Smith, TK Lam, K King, Q Lam, EL Beatty
NeuroImage 223, 117325, 2020
Measurement matters: the relationship between methods of scoring the Alternate Uses Task and brain activation
O Vartanian, EL Beatty, I Smith, S Forbes, E Rice, J Crocker
Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences 27, 109-115, 2019
The reflective mind: Examining individual differences in susceptibility to base rate neglect with fmri
O Vartanian, EL Beatty, I Smith, K Blackler, Q Lam, S Forbes, W De Neys
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 30 (7), 1011-1022, 2018
Investigating exceptional poets to inform an understanding of the relationship between poetry and design
EL Beatty, LJ Ball
Procedings of the Second Conference on Creativity and Innovation in Design …, 2011
The prospects of working memory training for improving deductive reasoning
EL Beatty, O Vartanian
Frontiers in human neuroscience 9, 56, 2015
Poetic design: An exploration of the parallels between expert poetry composition and innovative design practice
EL Beatty, LJ Ball
DESIRE 10, 62-71, 2010
Exploring individual differences as predictors of performance change during dual-n-back training
PT Ørskov, A Norup, EL Beatty, SM Jaeggi
Journal of Cognitive Enhancement 5 (4), 480-498, 2021
Comparing different versions of road to mental readiness to determine optimal content: testing instruction type, homework, and intelligence effects at two timepoints
D Fikretoglu, E Beatty, A Liu
Scientific Report No. DRDC-RDDC-2014-R164, 2014
Mental health services use intentions among Canadian military recruits
JEC Lee, D Fikretoglu, AR Blais, KA Sudom, E Beatty
Military Psychology 28 (6), 498-505, 2016
What we want impacts how we create: creativity, motivation and goals
JC Kaufman, R Reiter-Palmon, R Royston
The Routledge international handbook of research on teaching thinking, 181-190, 2015
Cognitive brain training, video games, and creativity
O Vartanian, EL Beatty
Video games and creativity, 185-198, 2015
Neuroanatomical correlates of categorizing emotional valence
EL Beatty, O Vartanian, A Muller-Gass, JA Robertson, DR Mandel, ...
Neuroreport 25 (11), 854-859, 2014
The intersection of poetry and design
EL Beatty
Proceedings of the 8th ACM conference on Creativity and cognition, 449-450, 2011
Increasing Working Memory in Young Healthy Adults: A cluster randomized controlled trial of a multifaceted brain training intervention
PT Ørskov, A Norup, B Debrabant, EL Beatty
Journal of Cognitive Enhancement 5 (2), 188-203, 2021
Comparing different versions of Road to Mental Readiness to determine optimal content
D Fikretoglu, E Beatty, L Aihua
Defence Research and Development Canada Scientific Report DRDC-RDDC-2014-R164, 2014
Topographical memory for newly-learned maps is differentially affected by route-based versus landmark-based learning: a functional MRI study
EL Beatty, A Muller-Gass, D Wojtarowicz, ME Jobidon, I Smith, Q Lam, ...
NeuroReport 29 (6), 511-516, 2018
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