Birgit Möller
Birgit Möller
Institute of Computer Science, Martin Luther University Halle-WIttenberg
在 informatik.uni-halle.de 的电子邮件经过验证
The IQD family of calmodulin-binding proteins links calcium signaling to microtubules, membrane subdomains, and the nucleus
K Bürstenbinder, B Möller, R Plötner, G Stamm, G Hause, D Mitra, S Abel
Plant physiology 173 (3), 1692-1708, 2017
Stress granules are dispensable for mRNA stabilization during cellular stress
N Bley, M Lederer, B Pfalz, C Reinke, T Fuchs, M Glaß, B Möller, ...
Nucleic acids research 43 (4), e26-e26, 2015
PaCeQuant: a tool for high-throughput quantification of pavement cell shape characteristics
B Möller, Y Poeschl, R Plötner, K Bürstenbinder
Plant physiology 175 (3), 998-1017, 2017
Cell migration analysis: Segmenting scratch assay images with level sets and support vector machines
M Glaß, B Möller, A Zirkel, K Wächter, S Hüttelmaier, S Posch
Pattern recognition 45 (9), 3154-3165, 2012
Microtubule-associated protein IQ67 DOMAIN5 regulates morphogenesis of leaf pavement cells in Arabidopsis thaliana
D Mitra, S Klemm, P Kumari, J Quegwer, B Möller, Y Poeschl, P Pflug, ...
Journal of experimental botany 70 (2), 529-543, 2019
Mitobo-a toolbox for image processing and analysis
B Möller, M Glaß, D Misiak, S Posch
Journal of Open Research Software 4 (1), 2016
Calibration-free camera hand-over for fast and reliable person tracking in multi-camera setups
B Moller, T Plotz, GA Fink
2008 19th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 1-4, 2008
rhizoTrak: a flexible open source Fiji plugin for user-friendly manual annotation of time-series images from minirhizotrons
B Möller, H Chen, T Schmidt, A Zieschank, R Patzak, M Türke, A Weigelt, ...
Plant and Soil 444, 519-534, 2019
Towards objective quality assessment of image registration results.
B Möller, R Garcia, S Posch
VISAPP (1), 233-242, 2007
Interactive object learning for robot companions using mosaic images
B Moller, S Posch, A Haasch, J Fritsch, G Sagerer
2005 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2005
Robust features for 2‐DE gel image registration
B Möller, S Posch
Electrophoresis 30 (23), 4137-4148, 2009
Extraction of protein profiles from primary neurons using active contour models and wavelets
D Misiak, S Posch, M Lederer, C Reinke, S Hüttelmaier, B Möller
Journal of neuroscience methods 225, 1-12, 2014
An integrated analysis concept for errors in image registration
B Möller, S Posch
Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis 18, 201-206, 2008
The’MTB Cell Counter’a versatile tool for the semi-automated quantification of sub-cellular phenotypes in fluorescence microscopy images. A case study on plastids, nuclei and …
L Franke, B Storbeck, JL Erickson, D Rödel, D Schröter, B Möller, ...
Journal of Endocytobiosis and Cell Research 26, 31-42, 2015
Scale-adaptive Wavelet-based Particle Detection in Microscopy Images.
O Greß, B Möller, N Stöhr, S Hüttelmaier, S Posch
Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin, 266-270, 2010
Detection and tracking of moving objects for mosaic image generation
B Möller, S Posch
Joint Pattern Recognition Symposium, 208-215, 2001
Quantification of actin structures using unsupervised pattern analysis techniques
B Möller, E Piltz, N Bley
2014 22nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 3251-3256, 2014
A Framework Unifying the Development of Image Analysis Algorithms and Associated User Interfaces.
B Möller, S Posch
MVA, 447-450, 2013
Comparing active contours for the segmentation of biomedical images
B Möller, S Posch
2012 9th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 736-739, 2012
Scratch assay analysis with topology-preserving level sets and texture measures
M Glaß, B Möller, A Zirkel, K Wächter, S Hüttelmaier, S Posch
Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis: 5th Iberian Conference, IbPRIA 2011 …, 2011
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