Profesor Permanente Laboral. Universidad de Sevilla (Dpto. Química Analítica)
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Comparative study of electrospray and photospray ionization sources coupled to quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometer for olive oil authentication
JL Gómez-Ariza, A Arias-Borrego, T García-Barrera, R Beltran
Talanta 70 (4), 859-869, 2006
Multielemental fractionation in pine nuts (Pinus pinea) from different geographic origins by size-exclusion chromatography with UV and inductively coupled plasma mass …
JL Gómez-Ariza, A Arias-Borrego, T García-Barrera
Journal of Chromatography A 1121 (2), 191-199, 2006
Use of flow injection atmospheric pressure photoionization quadrupole time‐of‐flight mass spectrometry for fast olive oil fingerprinting
JL Gómez‐Ariza, A Arias‐Borrego, T García‐Barrera
Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry: An International Journal Devoted …, 2006
In vitro selenium bioaccessibility combined with in vivo bioavailability and bioactivity in Se-enriched microalga (Chlorella sorokiniana) to be used as functional food
V Gómez-Jacinto, F Navarro-Roldán, I Garbayo-Nores, C Vílchez-Lobato, ...
Journal of Functional Foods 66, 103817, 2020
Metallomics integrated with proteomics in deciphering metal-related environmental issues
M González-Fernández, T García-Barrera, A Arias-Borrego, J Jurado, ...
Biochimie 91 (10), 1311-1317, 2009
Metabolic impairments, metal traffic, and dyshomeostasis caused by the antagonistic interaction of cadmium and selenium using organic and inorganic mass spectrometry
G Rodríguez-Moro, FN Roldán, R Baya-Arenas, A Arias-Borrego, ...
Environmental science and pollution research 27, 1762-1775, 2020
Seasonal and spatial evolution of trihalomethanes in a drinking water distribution system according to the treatment process
A Domínguez-Tello, A Arias-Borrego, T García-Barrera, JL Gómez-Ariza
Environmental monitoring and assessment 187, 1-19, 2015
A review of the impact of xenobiotics from dietary sources on infant health: Early life exposures and the role of the microbiota
MC Arroyo, TG Barrera, BC Leblic, AA Borrego, MC Collado
Environmental Pollution 269, 115994, 2021
Study of the effect of sample preparation and cooking on the selenium speciation of selenized potatoes by HPLC with ICP-MS and electrospray ionization MS/MS
H Goenaga Infante, A Arias Borrego, E Peachey, R Hearn, G O’Connor, ...
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 57 (1), 38-45, 2009
Iodine speciation in iodine-enriched microalgae Chlorella vulgaris
V Gómez-Jacinto, A Arias-Borrego, T García-Barrera, I Garbayo, C Vilchez, ...
Pure and Applied Chemistry 82 (2), 473-481, 2010
Application of hollow fiber liquid phase microextraction for simultaneous determination of regulated and emerging iodinated trihalomethanes in drinking water
A Domínguez-Tello, A Arias-Borrego, T García-Barrera, JL Gómez-Ariza
Journal of Chromatography A 1402, 8-16, 2015
Effervescence-assisted spiral hollow-fibre liquid-phase microextraction of trihalomethanes, halonitromethanes, haloacetonitriles, and haloketones in drinking water
A Dominguez-Tello, A Dominguez-Alfaro, JL Gómez-Ariza, ...
Journal of hazardous materials 397, 122790, 2020
The metallome of lung cancer and its potential use as biomarker
B Callejón-Leblic, A Arias-Borrego, A Pereira-Vega, JL Gómez-Ariza, ...
International journal of molecular sciences 20 (3), 778, 2019
Insights into cancer and neurodegenerative diseases through selenoproteins and the connection with gut microbiota–current analytical methodologies
A Arias-Borrego, B Callejón-Leblic, M Calatayud, JL Gómez-Ariza, ...
Expert review of proteomics 16 (10), 805-814, 2019
Optimization of hollow-fiber liquid phase microextraction for polychlorinated biphenyls in human breast milk
MC Villegas-Álvarez, B Callejón-Leblic, G Rodríguez-Moro, ...
Journal of Chromatography A 1626, 461381, 2020
Metal-binding molecules in the organs of Mus musculus by size-exclusion chromatography coupled with UV spectroscopy and ICP-MS
M González-Fernández, T García-Barrera, A Arias-Borrego, ...
Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry 390, 17-28, 2008
Impact of “chemical cocktails” exposure in shaping mice gut microbiota and the role of selenium supplementation combining metallomics, metabolomics, and metataxonomics
A Arias-Borrego, M Selma-Royo, MC Collado, N Abril, T García-Barrera
Journal of hazardous materials 438, 129444, 2022
A two-stage predictive model to simultaneous control of trihalomethanes in water treatment plants and distribution systems: adaptability to treatment processes
A Domínguez-Tello, A Arias-Borrego, T García-Barrera, JL Gómez-Ariza
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 24, 22631-22648, 2017
Speciation of manganese binding to biomolecules in pine nuts (Pinus pinea) by two‐dimensional liquid chromatography coupled to ultraviolet and inductively …
A Arias‐Borrego, T García‐Barrera, JL Gómez‐Ariza
Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry: An International Journal Devoted …, 2008
Absolute quantification of selenoproteins and selenometabolites in lung cancer human serum by column switching coupled to triple quadrupole inductively coupled plasma mass …
B Callejon-Leblic, G Rodriguez-Moro, A Arias-Borrego, A Pereira-Vega, ...
Journal of Chromatography A 1619, 460919, 2020
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