Ernesto San Martin
Ernesto San Martin
International Francqui Profes.Full Professor of Statistics, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
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Assessment of 21st century ICT skills in Chile: Test design and results from high school level students
M Claro, DD Preiss, E San Martín, I Jara, JE Hinostroza, S Valenzuela, ...
Computers & Education 59 (3), 1042-1053, 2012
The local spatial autocorrelation and the kernel method for identifying black zones: A comparative approach
B Flahaut, M Mouchart, E San Martin, I Thomas
Accident Analysis & Prevention 35 (6), 991-1004, 2003
Teaching in a Digital Environment (TIDE): Defining and measuring teachers' capacity to develop students' digital information and communication skills
M Claro, Á Salinas, T Cabello-Hutt, E San Martín, DD Preiss, ...
Computers & Education 121, 162-174, 2018
La evaluación docente en Chile.
J Manzi, R González, Y Sun
Understanding factors related to Chilean students' digital skills: A mixed methods analysis
I Jara, M Claro, JE Hinostroza, E San Martín, P Rodríguez, T Cabello, ...
Computers & Education 88, 387-398, 2015
Linear mixed models with skew-elliptical distributions: A Bayesian approach
A Jara, F Quintana, E San Martín
Computational statistics & data analysis 52 (11), 5033-5045, 2008
IRT models for ability-based guessing
ES Martín, G Del Pino, P De Boeck
Applied Psychological Measurement 30 (3), 183-203, 2006
Prácticas pedagógicas para la enseñanza de la lectura inicial: un estudio en el contexto de la evaluación docente chilena
L Medina, A Valdivia, E San Martín
Psykhe (Santiago) 23 (2), 1-13, 2014
Definition and probabilistic properties of skew-distributions
RB Arellano-Valle, G Del Pino, E San Martın
Statistics & probability letters 58 (2), 111-121, 2002
Selección de estudiantes y desigualdad educacional en Chile:¿ Qué tan coactiva es la regulación que la prohíbe
A Carrasco, F Bogolasky, C Flores, G Gutiérrez, E San Martín
Informe resumen proyecto FONIDE 711286, 2014
Executive function in Chilean preschool children: Do short-term memory, working memory, and response inhibition contribute differentially to early academic skills?
MF Montoya, MI Susperreguy, L Dinarte, FJ Morrison, E San Martin, ...
Early Childhood Research Quarterly 46, 187-200, 2019
Voucher system and school effectiveness: Reassessing school performance difference and parental choice decision-making
A Carrasco, E San Martín
Universidad de Chile. Facultad de Economía y Negocios, 2012
On the unidentifiability of the fixed-effects 3PL model
E San Martín, J González, F Tuerlinckx
Psychometrika 80, 450-467, 2015
Assessment of argumentative writing and critical thinking in higher education: Educational correlates and gender differences
DD Preiss, JC Castillo, P Flotts, E San Martín
Learning and Individual Differences 28, 193-203, 2013
Comparing marginal effects of Chilean students' economic, social and cultural status on digital versus reading and mathematics performance
M Claro, T Cabello, E San Martín, M Nussbaum
Computers & Education 82, 1-10, 2015
Identification of the 1PL model with guessing parameter: Parametric and semi-parametric results
E San Martín, JM Rolin, LM Castro
Psychometrika 78, 341-379, 2013
School system evaluation by value added analysis under endogeneity
J Manzi, E San Martin, S Van Bellegem
Psychometrika 79, 130-153, 2014
On the Bayesian nonparametric generalization of IRT-type models
E San Martín, A Jara, JM Rolin, M Mouchart
Psychometrika 76 (3), 385-409, 2011
Clasificación de escuelas en la nueva institucionalidad educativa: contribución de modelos de valor agregado para una responsabilización justa
E San Martín, AJ Carrasco Rozas
Centro de Políticas Públicas UC, 2012
Identified parameters, parameters of interest and their relationships
E San Martín, J González, F Tuerlinckx
Taylor & Francis Group 7 (2), 97-105, 2009
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