Indah Widiastuti
Indah Widiastuti
Architecture Department, SAPPK, Institut Teknologi Bandung
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Territorial space: Structural changes in a religious tourism area (The case of Kampung Mahmud in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia)
I Susanti, AY Permana, WD Pratiwi, I Widiastuti
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 447 (1), 012031, 2020
The living culture and typo-morphology of vernacular houses in kerala
I Widiastuti
International Society of Vernacular Settlement (ISVS) e-Journal 2 (3), 41-53, 2013
Creative empowerment in non-formal education institution. Case Study: Education system in Rumah Musik Harry Roesli (RMHR)
I Purwanti, I Widiastuti
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 184, 63-70, 2015
Territorial identification of vernacular settlement Cigugur through the practice of Seren Taun Ritual in Kuningan, West Java
YD Adisaputri, I Widiastuti
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 184, 196-205, 2015
Modernization and vernacularity in the tradition of Minangkabau architecture of the West Sumatra in Indonesia
I Widiastuti, F Kurniati
ISVS e-journal 6 (2), 22-31, 2019
Karakteristik Permukiman Tepian Sungai Kampung Beting Di Pontianak
H Khaliesh, I Widiastuti, BS Budi
Prosiding Temu Ilmiah IPLBI, 2012
Transformasi nilai-Nilai Tradisional dalam Arsitektur Masa kini Transformasi Makna pada Arsitektur Asli Daerah
I Widiastuti
Seminar Rumah Tradisional-PUSKIM 19, 1-16, 2014
The living culture and typo-morphology of vernacular-traditional houses in Kerala
IW Susilo
EJournal of Asian Scholarship Foundation, diunduh pada 22, 1-24, 2007
Typology study of vernacular courtyard-house in Kerala, South India
I Widiastuti
Bandung Institute of Technology, 2018
Kajian Ruang Liminal pada Konsep Teritori Pemukiman Adat Sunda Cigugur Melalui Analisis Ritual “Ngajayak”
D Yunita, I Widiastuti
Prosiding Temu Ilmiah IPLBI, 2014
The Characteristics of Secondary Skin Facade of Contemporary House by Indonesian Architects
T Ramadhan, ND Estika, I Widiastuti
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 738 (1), 012022, 2021
From House Society to Homestay: Re-domestication in the settlement and architecture of the Ngadha traditional village in East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia
ND Estika, I Widiastuti, AZ Allam
ISVS e-journal: The Journal of the International Society for the Study of …, 2021
The Implementation of Transit-Oriented Development Concepts on Pedestrian Pathways in the City of Bandung
AD Gaputra, I Widiastuti, ND Estika
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 532 (1), 012019, 2020
Arapura: Spatial Configurations of Granary Houses in Kanyakumari, South India
I Widiastuti, R Vedamuthu
International Society of Vernacular Settlement (ISVS) e-Journal 2, 50-60, 2013
Naga-Patala: Konsep Ruang Kreasi bagi Persentuhan Arsitektur India dan Nusantara
I Widiastuti
Makalah disampaikan pada Seminar Nasional Merah Putih: Tempat dan Ruang …, 2014
Skemata Struktur Konikal pada Struktur Bangunan di Daerah Tropis di Asia Sebelah Selatan dan Pasifik-Sebuah Pandangan Reflektif
I Widiastuti
Seminar Struktur dalam Arsitektur, 111-117, 2020
“Who is the Society?”: A Critical Look on the Constituent of Creative-Community through Artepolis Papers 2006-2012
I Widiastuti
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 184, 111-117, 2015
Reflections on creativity: Public engagement and the making of place
H Hanan, I Widiastuti, I Nasution, M Germen, J Chatterjee, FA Prasetyo, ...
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 184, 1-3, 2015
Architecture of the Society Practicing Matrilineal Kinship in Nusantara: An attempt to build a knowledge body
I Widiastuti
Proceedings: Manifestations of Architecture in Indonesia, 2015
Proses-Proses dalam Pembentukan Vaastusastra: Kajian terhadap Mayamatam, Manasara, Manusyalaayacandrika dan Taccusastra
I Widiastuti
Prosiding Temu Ilmiah IPLBI, 73, 2012
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