Roh Seungkook
Roh Seungkook
Korean National Police University
在 police.ac.kr 的电子邮件经过验证
Big data analysis of public acceptance of nuclear power in Korea
S Roh
Nuclear Engineering and Technology 49 (4), 850-854, 2017
A topic modeling analysis for online news article comments on nurses' workplace bullying
J Kang, S Kim, S Roh
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 49 (6), 736-747, 2019
Effect of Fukushima accident on public acceptance of nuclear energy (Fukushima accident and nuclear public acceptance)
S Roh, D Kim
Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning, and Policy 12 (6), 565-569, 2017
Differentiated influences of risk perceptions on nuclear power acceptance according to acceptance targets: Evidence from Korea
S Roh, JW Lee
Nuclear Engineering and Technology 49 (5), 1090-1094, 2017
Differentiated effects of risk perception dimensions on nuclear power acceptance in South Korea
S Roh, JW Lee
Energy Policy 122, 727-735, 2018
Exploring signals for a nuclear future using social big data
S Roh, JY Choi
Sustainability 12 (14), 5563, 2020
The factors of nuclear energy public acceptance and relative importance (public acceptance factors and relative importance)
S Roh, D Kim
Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning, and Policy 12 (6), 559-564, 2017
The relationship between public acceptance of nuclear power generation and spent nuclear fuel reuse: Implications for promotion of spent nuclear fuel reuse and public engagement
S Roh, D Kim
Nuclear Engineering and Technology 54 (6), 2062-2066, 2022
Modeling of nuclear power plant export competitiveness and its implications: The case of Korea
S Roh, JY Choi, SH Chang
Energy 166, 157-169, 2019
Differentiated influences of benefit and risk perceptions on nuclear power acceptance according to acceptance levels: Evidence from Korea
S Roh, JW Lee
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology 54 (8), 830-836, 2017
How can Korea secure uranium enrichment and spent fuel reprocessing rights?
S Roh, W Kim
Energy Policy 68, 195-198, 2014
Nuclear power in jeopardy: The negative relationships between greenhouse gas/fine dust concerns and nuclear power acceptance in South Korea
JW Lee, S Roh
Nuclear Engineering and Technology 54 (10), 3695-3702, 2022
Extending the coverage of the trust–acceptability model: The negative effect of trust in government on nuclear power acceptance in South Korea under a nuclear phase-out policy
S Roh, HG Geong
Energies 14 (11), 3343, 2021
Positioning of major energy sources in Korea and its implications
S Roh, D Kim
International Journal of Energy Research 41 (14), 2421-2429, 2017
A Study on the Awareness of Artificial Intelligence Development Ethics based on Social Big Data
M Kim, S Park, S Roh
Journal of Engineering Education Research 25 (3), 35-44, 2022
Segmenting the South Korean public according to their preferred direction for electricity mix reform
Q Li, S Roh, JW Lee
Sustainability 12 (21), 9053, 2020
The role of tolerance and self-sufficiency in a nation's adoption of nuclear power generation: A search for a quick and simple indicator
S Roh
Nuclear Engineering and Technology 51 (3), 904-907, 2019
Effects of Rank-Ordered Feature Perceptions of Energy Sources on the Choice of the Most Acceptable Power Plant for a Neighborhood: An Investigation Using a South Korean …
S Roh, JW Lee, Q Li
Sustainability 11 (6), 1530, 2019
Evaluation of perceptions on economic feasibility of energy sources
S Roh, D Kim
Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning, and Policy 12 (7), 614-617, 2017
Star Effect on Revenue, Profit in Movie Industry
S Roh, W Kim
17th International Conference on Cultural Economics, 2012
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