Eduard Clotet Bellmunt
Eduard Clotet Bellmunt
其他姓名E. Clotet
在 udl.cat 的电子邮件经过验证
Vineyard yield estimation based on the analysis of high resolution images obtained with artificial illumination at night
D Font, M Tresanchez, D Martínez, J Moreno, E Clotet, J Palacín
Sensors 15 (4), 8284-8301, 2015
Application of an array of metal-oxide semiconductor gas sensors in an assistant personal robot for early gas leak detection
J Palacín, D Martínez, E Clotet, T Pallejà, J Burgués, J Fonollosa, A Pardo, ...
Sensors 19 (9), 1957, 2019
Design, implementation and validation of the three-wheel holonomic motion system of the assistant personal robot (APR)
J Moreno, E Clotet, R Lupiañez, M Tresanchez, D Martínez, T Pallejà, ...
Sensors 16 (10), 1658, 2016
Assistant personal robot (APR): Conception and application of a tele-operated assisted living robot
E Clotet, D Martínez, J Moreno, M Tresanchez, J Palacín
Sensors 16 (5), 610, 2016
Evaluation of the path-tracking accuracy of a three-wheeled omnidirectional mobile robot designed as a personal assistant
J Palacín, E Rubies, E Clotet, D Martínez
Sensors 21 (21), 7216, 2021
Mobile robot self-localization with 2D push-broom LIDAR in a 2D map
J Palacín, D Martínez, E Rubies, E Clotet
Sensors 20 (9), 2500, 2020
Extending the application of an assistant personal robot as a walk-helper tool
J Palacín, E Clotet, D Martínez, D Martínez, J Moreno
Robotics 8 (2), 27, 2019
Systematic Odometry Error Evaluation and Correction in a Human-Sized Three-Wheeled Omnidirectional Mobile Robot Using Flower-Shaped Calibration Trajectories
J Palacín, E Rubies, E Clotet
Applied Sciences 12 (5), 2606, 2022
Suboptimal omnidirectional wheel design and implementation
J Palacín, D Martínez, E Rubies, E Clotet
Sensors 21 (3), 865, 2021
Measurement of vibrations in two tower-typed assistant personal robot implementations with and without a passive suspension system
J Moreno, E Clotet, M Tresanchez, D Martínez, J Casanovas, J Palacín
Sensors 17 (5), 1122, 2017
Automatic Supervision of Temperature, Humidity, and Luminance with an Assistant Personal Robot
J Palacín, E Clotet, D Martínez, J Moreno, M Tresanchez
Journal of Sensors 2017, 2017
Classification of two volatiles using an eNose composed by an array of 16 single-type miniature micro-machined metal-oxide gas sensors
J Palacín, E Rubies, E Clotet, D Martínez
Sensors 22 (3), 1120, 2022
A proposal of low-cost and low-power embedded wireless image sensor node for IoT applications
M Tresanchez, A Pujol, T Pallejà, D Martínez, E Clotet, J Palacín
Procedia computer science 134, 99-106, 2018
Enhancing the Sense of Attention from an Assistance Mobile Robot by Improving Eye-Gaze Contact from Its Iconic Face Displayed on a Flat Screen
E Rubies, J Palacín, E Clotet
Sensors 22 (11), 4282, 2022
The Assistant Personal Robot Project: From the APR-01 to the APR-02 Mobile Robot Prototypes
J Palacín, E Rubies, E Clotet
Designs 6 (4), 66, 2022
Measuring gas concentration and wind intensity in a turbulent wind tunnel with a mobile robot
D Martínez, J Moreno, M Tresanchez, E Clotet, JM Jiménez-Soto, ...
Journal of Sensors 2016, 2016
Non-Parametric Calibration of the Inverse Kinematic Matrix of a Three-Wheeled Omnidirectional Mobile Robot Based on Genetic Algorithms
J Palacín, E Rubies, R Bitrià, E Clotet
Applied Sciences 13 (2), 1053, 2023
Assessing over Time Performance of an eNose Composed of 16 Single-Type MOX Gas Sensors Applied to Classify Two Volatiles
J Palacín, E Clotet, E Rubies
Chemosensors 10 (3), 118, 2022
An inexpensive wireless smart camera system for IoT applications based on an ARM Cortex-M7 microcontroller
M Tresanchez, A Pujol, T Pallejà, D Martínez, E Clotet, J Palacín
J. Ubiquitous Syst. Pervasive Netw 11, 01-08, 2019
A proposal of a multi-agent system implementation for the control of an Assistant Personal Robot
D Martínez, E Clotet, J Moreno, M Tresanchez, J Palacín
Trends in Practical Applications of Scalable Multi-Agent Systems, the PAAMS …, 2016
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