Quantifying and mapping the human appropriation of net primary production in earth's terrestrial ecosystems H Haberl, KH Erb, F Krausmann, V Gaube, A Bondeau, C Plutzar, ... Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (31), 12942-12947, 2007 | 3099* | 2007 |
Growth in global materials use, GDP and population during the 20th century F Krausmann, S Gingrich, N Eisenmenger, KH Erb, H Haberl, ... Ecological economics 68 (10), 2696-2705, 2009 | 1565 | 2009 |
How circular is the global economy?: An assessment of material flows, waste production, and recycling in the European Union and the world in 2005 W Haas, F Krausmann, D Wiedenhofer, M Heinz Journal of industrial ecology 19 (5), 765-777, 2015 | 1382 | 2015 |
Global human appropriation of net primary production doubled in the 20th century F Krausmann, KH Erb, S Gingrich, H Haberl, A Bondeau, V Gaube, ... Proceedings of the national academy of sciences 110 (25), 10324-10329, 2013 | 768 | 2013 |
A systematic review of the evidence on decoupling of GDP, resource use and GHG emissions, part II: synthesizing the insights H Haberl, D Wiedenhofer, D Virág, G Kalt, B Plank, P Brockway, ... Environmental research letters 15 (6), 065003, 2020 | 740 | 2020 |
Decoupling natural resource use and environmental impacts from economic growth United Nations Environment Programme. International Resource Panel, ... UNEP/Earthprint, 2011 | 731* | 2011 |
Global socioeconomic material stocks rise 23-fold over the 20th century and require half of annual resource use F Krausmann, D Wiedenhofer, C Lauk, W Haas, H Tanikawa, T Fishman, ... Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (8), 1880-1885, 2017 | 650 | 2017 |
Methodology and indicators of economy‐wide material flow accounting: State of the art and reliability across sources M Fischer‐Kowalski, F Krausmann, S Giljum, S Lutter, A Mayer, ... Journal of Industrial Ecology 15 (6), 855-876, 2011 | 635 | 2011 |
A socio‐metabolic transition towards sustainability? Challenges for another Great Transformation H Haberl, M Fischer‐Kowalski, F Krausmann, J Martinez‐Alier, ... Sustainable development 19 (1), 1-14, 2011 | 600 | 2011 |
Socioeconomic legacy yields an invasion debt F Essl, S Dullinger, W Rabitsch, PE Hulme, K Hülber, V Jarošík, ... Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (1), 203-207, 2011 | 579 | 2011 |
How to calculate and interpret ecological footprints for long periods of time: the case of Austria 1926–1995 H Haberl, KH Erb, F Krausmann Ecological economics 38 (1), 25-45, 2001 | 540 | 2001 |
Progress towards sustainability? What the conceptual framework of material and energy flow accounting (MEFA) can offer H Haberl, M Fischer-Kowalski, F Krausmann, H Weisz, V Winiwarter Land use policy 21 (3), 199-213, 2004 | 539 | 2004 |
Calculating national and global ecological footprint time series: resolving conceptual challenges M Wackernagel, C Monfreda, NB Schulz, KH Erb, H Haberl, F Krausmann Land use policy 21 (3), 271-278, 2004 | 488 | 2004 |
Global patterns of socioeconomic biomass flows in the year 2000: A comprehensive assessment of supply, consumption and constraints F Krausmann, KH Erb, S Gingrich, C Lauk, H Haberl Ecological economics 65 (3), 471-487, 2008 | 487 | 2008 |
The global sociometabolic transition: past and present metabolic profiles and their future trajectories F Krausmann, M Fischer‐Kowalski, H Schandl, N Eisenmenger Journal of Industrial ecology 12 (5‐6), 637-656, 2008 | 482 | 2008 |
Global material flows and resource productivity: forty years of evidence H Schandl, M Fischer‐Kowalski, J West, S Giljum, M Dittrich, ... Journal of Industrial Ecology 22 (4), 827-838, 2018 | 460 | 2018 |
Global patterns of materials use: A socioeconomic and geophysical analysis JK Steinberger, F Krausmann, N Eisenmenger Ecological Economics 69 (5), 1148-1158, 2010 | 446 | 2010 |
Transitions in European land-management regimes between 1800 and 2010 MR Jepsen, T Kuemmerle, D Müller, K Erb, PH Verburg, H Haberl, ... Land use policy 49, 53-64, 2015 | 411 | 2015 |
The global metabolic transition: Regional patterns and trends of global material flows, 1950–2010 A Schaffartzik, A Mayer, S Gingrich, N Eisenmenger, C Loy, F Krausmann Global Environmental Change 26, 87-97, 2014 | 405 | 2014 |
The physical economy of the European Union: Cross-country comparison and determinants of material consumption H Weisz, F Krausmann, C Amann, N Eisenmenger, KH Erb, K Hubacek, ... Ecological Economics 58 (4), 676-698, 2006 | 363 | 2006 |