Scratchpad memory: design alternative for cache on-chip memory in embedded systems R Banakar, S Steinke, BS Lee, M Balakrishnan, P Marwedel Proceedings of the tenth international symposium on Hardware/software …, 2002 | 1019 | 2002 |
Assigning program and data objects to scratchpad for energy reduction S Steinke, L Wehmeyer, BS Lee, P Marwedel Proceedings 2002 Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference and …, 2002 | 503 | 2002 |
An accurate and fine grain instruction-level energy model supporting software optimizations S Steinke, M Knauer, L Wehmeyer, P Marwedel Proc. of PATMOS, 2001 | 192 | 2001 |
Reducing energy consumption by dynamic copying of instructions onto onchip memory S Steinke, N Grunwald, L Wehmeyer, R Banakar, M Balakrishnan, ... Proceedings of the 15th international symposium on System Synthesis, 213-218, 2002 | 172 | 2002 |
Data partitioning for maximal scratchpad usage M Verma, S Steinke, P Marwedel Proceedings of the 2003 Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference …, 2003 | 126 | 2003 |
Fast, predictable and low energy memory references through architecture-aware compilation P Marwedel, L Wehmeyer, M Verma, S Steinke, U Helmig ASP-DAC 2004: Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference 2004 (IEEE …, 2004 | 53 | 2004 |
Analysis of the influence of register file size on energy consumption, code size, and execution time L Wehmeyer, MK Jain, S Steinke, P Marwedel, M Balakrishnan IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and …, 2001 | 51 | 2001 |
Comparison of cache-and scratch-pad-based memory systems with respect to performance, area and energy consumption R Banakar, S Steinke, BS Lee, M Balakrishnan, P Marwedel University of Dortmund, Technical Report, 2001 | 46 | 2001 |
Evaluating register file size in asip design MK Jain, L Wehmeyer, S Steinke, P Marwedel, M Balakrishnan Proceedings of the ninth international symposium on Hardware/software …, 2001 | 26 | 2001 |
Low power code generation for a RISC processor by register pipelining S Steinke, R Schwarz, L Wehmeyer, P Marwedel Technical report, Dept. Comput. Sci. XII, 2001 | 22 | 2001 |
Compilation techniques for energy-, code-size-, and run-time-efficient embedded software P Marwedel, S Steinke, L Wehmeyer International Workshop on Advanced Compiler Techniques for High Performance …, 2001 | 17 | 2001 |
Moving program objects to scratch-pad memory for energy reduction S Steinke, C Zobiegala, L Wehmeyer, P Marwedel Technical Report 756, 2001 | 14 | 2001 |
Untersuchung des Energieeinsparungspotenzials in eingebetteten Systemen durch energieoptimierende Compilertechnik. S Steinke TU Dortmund, Germany, 2002 | 6 | 2002 |
Using an Energy Aware Compiler Framework to Evaluate Changes in Register File Size towards ASIP-Design£ L Wehmeyer, MK Jain, S Steinke, P Marwedel, M Balakrishnan Fifth International Workshop on Software and Compilers for Embedded Systems …, 2001 | 1 | 2001 |
Software with'built-in power management. Energy conservation by new compiler optimisation strategies; Software mit''eingebautem''Power-Management. Energie-Einsparung durch neue … S Steinke, L Wehmeyer, P Marwedel Elektronik (Muenchen) 50, 2001 | | 2001 |
Evaluating Register File Size in AsıP Design MKJL Wehmeyer, S Steinke, PMM Balakrishnant | | 2001 |
Improving Energy Consumption by Compiler Optimization Technique Register Pipelining S Steinke, R Schwarz | | |
Revision of Manuscript 1934 L Wehmeyer, MK Jain, S Steinke, P Marwedel, M Balakrishnan | | |
Revision of Manuscript 1934 Analysis of the Influence of Register File Size on Energy Consumption, Code Size and Execution Time L Wehmeyer, MK Jain, S Steinke, P Marwedel, M Balakrishnan | | |