Dr. Rajesh Kumar Mundotiya
Dr. Rajesh Kumar Mundotiya
Assistant Professor, IIT Bhilai
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Linguistic resources for Bhojpuri, Magahi, and Maithili: statistics about them, their similarity estimates, and baselines for three applications
RK Mundotiya, MK Singh, R Kapur, S Mishra, AK Singh
Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing 20 (6 …, 2021
Diversity in recommendation system: A cluster based approach
N Yadav, RK Mundotiya, AK Singh, S Pal
Hybrid Intelligent Systems: 19th International Conference on Hybrid …, 2021
Low resource neural machine translation: Assamese to/from other indo-aryan (indic) languages
R Baruah, RK Mundotiya, AK Singh
Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing 21 (1 …, 2021
Transformer-based Neural Machine Translation System for Hindi - Marathi: WMT20 Shared Task
A Kumar, R Baruah, RK Mundotiya, SA Kumar
Proceedings of the Fifth Conference on Machine Translation, 391-393, 2020
IRLab@ IITBHU at HASOC 2019: Traditional Machine Learning for Hate Speech and Offensive Content Identification.
A Saroj, RK Mundotiya, S Pal
FIRE (Working Notes), 308-314, 2019
Development of a Dataset and a Deep Learning Baseline Named Entity Recognizer for Three Low Resource Languages: Bhojpuri, Maithili, and Magahi
R Mundotiya, S Kumar, A Kumar, U Chaudhary, S Chauhan, S Mishra, ...
ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing …, 2023
Unsupervised Approach for Zero-Shot Experiments: Bhojpuri-Hindi and Magahi-Hindi@LoResMT 2020
A Kumar, RK Mundotiya, SA Kumar
Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Technologies for MT of Low Resource …, 2020
Attention-based domain adaption using Transfer Learning for Part-of-Speech tagging: an experiment on the Hindi language
RK Mundotiya, V Kumar, A Mehta, AK Singh
Proceedings of the 34th Pacific Asia conference on language, information and …, 2020
Forward Context-Aware Clickbait Tweet Identification System
RK Mundotiya, N Yadav
International Journal of Ambient Computing and Intelligence 2 (2), 21-33, 2021
Emotion based voted classifier for Arabic irony tweet identification.
N Kanwar, RK Mundotiya, M Agarwal, C Singh
FIRE (Working Notes), 426-432, 2019
Hierarchical self attention based sequential labelling model for Bhojpuri, Maithili and Magahi languages
RK Mundotiya, S Mishra, AK Singh
Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences 34 (10 …, 2022
TLSPG: Transfer learning-based semi-supervised pseudo-corpus generation approach for zero-shot translation
A Kumar, RK Mundotiya, A Pratap, AK Singh
Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences 34 (9 …, 2022
Domain adaptation for pos tagging with contrastive monotonic chunk-wise attention
RK Mundotiya, A Mehta, R Baruah
Neural Processing Letters 54 (4), 2901-2918, 2022
Rule based Event Extraction System from Newswires and Social Media Text in Indian Languages (EventXtract-IL) for English and Hindi Data.
A Saroj, R kumar Munodtiya, S Pal
FIRE (Working Notes), 302-307, 2018
Evaluating opinion summarization in ranking
AK Singh, A Thawani, A Gupta, RK Mundotiya
Information Retrieval Technology: 13th Asia Information Retrieval Societies …, 2017
A hybrid solution for secure privacy-preserving cloud storage & information retrieval
A Kumar, T Aljrees, SY Hsieh, KU Singh, T Singh, L Raja, JK Samriya, ...
Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences 13, 11, 2023
PITS@ Dravidian-CodeMix-FIRE2020: Traditional Approach to Noisy Code-Mixed Sentiment Analysis.
N Kanwar, M Agarwal, RK Mundotiya
FIRE (Working Notes), 541-547, 2020
Integration of morphological features and contextual weightage using monotonic chunk attention for part of speech tagging
RK Mundotiya, A Mehta, R Baruah, AK Singh
Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences 34 (9 …, 2022
Tag-based Personalized Collaborative Movie Recommender System
N Yadav, RK Mundotiya, AK Singh
Journal of Information Assurance and Security 16 (1), 001-009, 2021
NLPRL Odia-English: Indic Language Neural Machine Translation System
R Baruah, RK Mundotiya
Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Asian Translation, 118-121, 2020
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