Ruth Horry
Ruth Horry
在 swansea.ac.uk 的电子邮件经过验证
Functions for traditional and multilevel approaches to signal detection theory
DB Wright, R Horry, EM Skagerberg
Behavior research methods 41, 257-267, 2009
Archival analyses of eyewitness identification test outcomes: What can they tell us about eyewitness memory?
R Horry, P Halford, N Brewer, R Milne, R Bull
Law and Human Behavior 38 (1), 94, 2014
Predictors of eyewitness identification decisions from video lineups in England: A field study.
R Horry, A Memon, DB Wright, R Milne
Law and Human Behavior 36 (4), 257, 2012
Backloading in the sequential lineup prevents within-lineup criterion shifts that undermine eyewitness identification performance.
R Horry, MA Palmer, N Brewer
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 18 (4), 346, 2012
Understanding gender bias in face recognition: Effects of divided attention at encoding
MA Palmer, N Brewer, R Horry
Acta psychologica 142 (3), 362-369, 2013
The other-race effect in perception and recognition: insights from the complete composite task.
R Horry, W Cheong, N Brewer
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 41 (2), 508, 2015
Recognition and context memory for faces from own and other ethnic groups: A remember-know investigation
R Horry, DB Wright, CG Tredoux
Memory & Cognition 38 (2), 134-141, 2010
Memory conformity for confidently recognized items: The power of social influence on memory reports
R Horry, MA Palmer, ML Sexton, N Brewer
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 48 (3), 783-786, 2012
You and CO2: A public engagement study to engage secondary school students with the issue of climate change
JA Rudd, R Horry, RL Skains
Journal of Science Education and Technology 29 (2), 230-241, 2020
I know your face but not where I saw you: Context memory is impaired for other-race faces
R Horry, DB Wright
Psychonomic bulletin & review 15 (3), 610-614, 2008
Recognizing faces from ethnic in‐groups and out‐groups: Importance of outer face features and effects of retention interval
SL Sporer, R Horry
Applied Cognitive Psychology 25 (3), 424-431, 2011
A meta‐analytic review of the Self‐Administered Interview©: Quantity and accuracy of details reported on initial and subsequent retrieval attempts
R Horry, C Hughes, A Sharma, F Gabbert, L Hope
Applied Cognitive Psychology 35 (2), 428-444, 2021
Anxiety and terrorism: Automatic stereotypes affect visual attention and recognition memory for White and Middle Eastern faces
R Horry, DB Wright
Applied Cognitive Psychology: The Official Journal of the Society for …, 2009
How target–lure similarity shapes confidence judgments in multiple-alternative decision tasks.
R Horry, N Brewer
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 145 (12), 1615, 2016
Confidence–accuracy resolution in the misinformation paradigm is influenced by the availability of source cues
R Horry, LM Colton, P Williamson
Acta psychologica 151, 164-173, 2014
The effects of allowing a second sequential lineup lap on choosing and probative value.
R Horry, N Brewer, N Weber, MA Palmer
Psychology, Public Policy, and Law 21 (2), 121, 2015
Embedding open and reproducible science into teaching: A bank of lesson plans and resources.
M Pownall, F Azevedo, A Aldoh, M Elsherif, M Vasilev, CR Pennington, ...
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Psychology, 2021
Are portrait artists superior face recognizers? Limited impact of adult experience on face recognition ability.
JJ Tree, R Horry, H Riley, JB Wilmer
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 43 (4), 667, 2017
The grain-size lineup: A test of a novel eyewitness identification procedure.
R Horry, N Brewer, N Weber
Law and Human Behavior 40 (2), 147, 2016
Video identification of suspects: A discussion of current practice and policy in the United Kingdom
R Horry, A Memon, R Milne, DB Wright, G Dalton
Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice 7 (3), 307-315, 2013
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