Michael Kaufman
Michael Kaufman
Professor of Metallurgical & Materials Engineering, Colorado School of Mines
在 mines.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Bone structure and formation: A new perspective
MJ Olszta, X Cheng, SS Jee, R Kumar, YY Kim, MJ Kaufman, EP Douglas, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: R: Reports 58 (3-5), 77-116, 2007
Site-specific growth of ZnO nanorods using catalysis-driven molecular-beam epitaxy
YW Heo, V Varadarajan, M Kaufman, K Kim, DP Norton, F Ren, ...
Applied physics letters 81 (16), 3046-3048, 2002
The effects of Mn additions on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Al–Si–Cu casting alloys
JY Hwang, HW Doty, MJ Kaufman
Materials Science and Engineering: A 488 (1-2), 496-504, 2008
Phase equilibria and transformations in intermediate titanium aluminum alloys
SA Jones, MJ Kaufman
Acta metallurgica et materialia 41 (2), 387-398, 1993
Mechanism of primary MC carbide decomposition in Ni-base superalloys
G Lvov, VI Levit, MJ Kaufman
Metallurgical and materials transactions A 35, 1669-1679, 2004
Solid-solution strengthening in refractory high entropy alloys
FG Coury, M Kaufman, AJ Clarke
Acta Materialia 175, 66-81, 2019
Microstructures and phase relationships in the Ti/sub 3/Al+ Nb system
HT Kestner-Weykamp, CH Ward, TF Broderick, MJ Kaufman
Scripta Metallurgica;(USA) 23 (10), 1989
Nanofibrous calcite synthesized via a solution− precursor− solid mechanism
MJ Olszta, S Gajjeraman, M Kaufman, LB Gower
Chemistry of materials 16 (12), 2355-2362, 2004
Icosahedral Al-Mn and related phases: resemblance in structure
L Bendersky, RJ Schaefer, FS Biancaniello, WJ Boettinger, MJ Kaufman, ...
Scripta metallurgica 19 (7), 909-914, 1985
An elastically induced morphological instability of a misfitting precipitate
MJ Kaufman, PW Voorhees, WC Johnson, FS Biancaniello
Metallurgical Transactions A 20, 2171-2175, 1989
The effect of Mg on the structure and properties of Type 319 aluminum casting alloys
JY Hwang, R Banerjee, HW Doty, MJ Kaufman
Acta Materialia 57 (4), 1308-1317, 2009
High-throughput solid solution strengthening characterization in high entropy alloys
FG Coury, P Wilson, KD Clarke, MJ Kaufman, AJ Clarke
Acta Materialia 167, 1-11, 2019
The effects of chromium on NiAl intermetallic alloys: Part I. microstructures and mechanical properties
JD Cotton, RD Noebe, MJ Kaufman
Intermetallics 1 (1), 3-20, 1993
Structural analysis of a new precipitate phase in high-temperature TiNiPt shape memory alloys
L Kovarik, F Yang, A Garg, D Diercks, M Kaufman, RD Noebe, MJ Mills
Acta materialia 58 (14), 4660-4673, 2010
On the characterization of bulk copper produced by cold gas dynamic spray processing in as fabricated and annealed conditions
PD Eason, JA Fewkes, SC Kennett, TJ Eden, K Tello, MJ Kaufman, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 528 (28), 8174-8178, 2011
Intrinisic second-phase particles in powder-processed MoSi2
JD Cotton, YS Kim, MJ Kaufman
Materials Science and Engineering: A 144 (1-2), 287-291, 1991
An analytical electron microscopy study of the recently reported “Ti2Al phase” in γ-TiAl alloys
MJ Kaufman, DG Konitzer, RD Shull, HL Fraser
Scripta metallurgica 20 (1), 103-108, 1986
Heat treatments' effects on the microstructure and mechanical properties of an equiatomic Al-Cr-Fe-Mn-Ni high entropy alloy
A Munitz, L Meshi, MJ Kaufman
Materials Science and Engineering: A 689, 384-394, 2017
Modeling of ordered structures of phase‐stabilized cubic bismuth oxides
ED Wachsman, S Boyapati, MJ Kaufman, N Jiang
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 83 (8), 1964-1968, 2000
High throughput discovery and design of strong multicomponent metallic solid solutions
FG Coury, KD Clarke, CS Kiminami, MJ Kaufman, AJ Clarke
Scientific reports 8 (1), 8600, 2018
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