Karin Roeleveld
Karin Roeleveld
在 ntnu.no 的电子邮件经过验证
Methodological aspects of SEMG recordings for force estimation–a tutorial and review
D Staudenmann, K Roeleveld, DF Stegeman, JH Van Dieën
Journal of electromyography and kinesiology 20 (3), 375-387, 2010
Surface EMG models: properties and applications
DF Stegeman, JH Blok, HJ Hermens, K Roeleveld
Journal of electromyography and kinesiology 10 (5), 313-326, 2000
Volume conduction models for surface EMG; confrontation with measurements
K Roeleveld, JH Blok, DF Stegeman, A Van Oosterom
Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 7 (4), 221-232, 1997
Inhomogeneities in muscle activation reveal motor unit recruitment
A Holtermann, K Roeleveld, JS Karlsson
Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 15 (2), 131-137, 2005
Selective activation of neuromuscular compartments within the human trapezius muscle
A Holtermann, K Roeleveld, PJ Mork, C Grönlund, JS Karlsson, ...
Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 19 (5), 896-902, 2009
The motor unit potential distribution over the skin surface and its use in estimating the motor unit location
K Roeleveld, DF Stegeman, HM Vingerhoets, AV Oosterom
Acta physiologica scandinavica 161 (4), 465-472, 1997
Motor unit potential contribution to surface electromyography
K Roeleveld, DF Stegeman, HM Vingerhoets, A Oosterom
Acta physiologica scandinavica 160 (2), 175-183, 1997
The effect of rate of force development on maximal force production: acute and training-related aspects
A Holtermann, K Roeleveld, B Vereijken, G Ettema
European journal of applied physiology 99, 605-613, 2007
Enhanced H-reflex with resistance training is related to increased rate of force development
A Holtermann, K Roeleveld, M Engstrøm, T Sand
European journal of applied physiology 101, 301-312, 2007
European consensus on the concepts and measurement of the pathophysiological neuromuscular responses to passive muscle stretch
JC van den Noort, L Bar‐On, E Aertbeliën, M Bonikowski, SM Brændvik, ...
European journal of neurology 24 (7), 981-e38, 2017
Near-and far-fields: source characteristics and the conducting medium in neurophysiology
DF Stegeman, D Dumitru, JC King, K Roeleveld
Journal of clinical neurophysiology 14 (5), 429-442, 1997
Motor unit size estimation: confrontation of surface EMG with macro EMG
K Roeleveld, DF Stegeman, B Falck, EV Stålberg
Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology/Electromyography and …, 1997
Differences in performance between trained and untrained subjects during a 30-s sprint test in a wheelchair ergometer
HEJ Veeger, EMC Lute, K Roeleveld, LHV Van der Woude
European journal of applied physiology and occupational physiology 64, 158-164, 1992
Relationship between neuromuscular body functions and upper extremity activity in children with cerebral palsy
SM Braendvik, ANNKG ELVRUM, B Vereijken, K Roeleveld
Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology 52 (2), e29-e34, 2010
Motor unit synchronization during fatigue: described with a novel sEMG method based on large motor unit samples
A Holtermann, C Grönlund, JS Karlsson, K Roeleveld
Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 19 (2), 232-241, 2009
EMG amplitude distribution changes over the upper trapezius muscle are similar in sustained and ramp contractions
A Holtermann, K Roeleveld
Acta physiologica 186 (2), 159-168, 2006
Signal processing of the surface electromyogram to gain insight into neuromuscular physiology
JS Karlsson, K Roeleveld, C Grönlund, A Holtermann, N Östlund
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical …, 2009
Motor unit size estimation of enlarged motor units with surface electromyography
K Roeleveld, A Sandberg, EV Stålberg, DF Stegeman
Muscle & Nerve: Official Journal of the American Association of …, 1998
Spatiotemporal surface EMG characteristics from rat triceps brachii muscle during treadmill locomotion indicate selective recruitment of functionally distinct muscle regions
HC Scholle, NP Schumann, F Biedermann, DF Stegeman, R Grassme, ...
Experimental brain research 138, 26-36, 2001
Spatial distribution of active muscle fibre characteristics in the upper trapezius muscle and its dependency on contraction level and duration
A Holtermann, C Grönlund, JS Karlsson, K Roeleveld
Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 18 (3), 372-381, 2008
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