Heydar Sadeghi
Heydar Sadeghi
Department of physical education and sport scinces, Kharazmi University
在 khu.ac.ir 的电子邮件经过验证
Symmetry and limb dominance in able-bodied gait: a review
H Sadeghi, P Allard, F Prince, H Labelle
Gait & posture 12 (1), 34-45, 2000
Relations between standing stability and body posture parameters in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis
ML Nault, P Allard, S Hinse, R Le Blanc, O Caron, H Labelle, H Sadeghi
Spine 27 (17), 1911-1917, 2002
Functional gait asymmetry in able-bodied subjects
H Sadeghi, P Allard, M Duhaime
Human movement science 16 (2-3), 243-258, 1997
Local or global asymmetry in gait of people without impairments
H Sadeghi
Gait & posture 17 (3), 197-204, 2003
Muscle power compensatory mechanisms in below-knee amputee gait
H Sadeghi, P Allard, M Duhaime
American journal of physical medicine & rehabilitation 80 (1), 25-32, 2001
Functional training program effect on static and dynamic balance in male able-bodied elderly
H Sadeghi, H Norouzi, A Karimi Asl, M Montazer
Iranian Journal of Ageing 3 (2), 565-571, 2008
Effect of foot orthoses on magnitude and timing of rearfoot and tibial motions, ground reaction force and knee moment during running
M Eslami, M Begon, S Hinse, H Sadeghi, P Popov, P Allard
Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport 12 (6), 679-684, 2009
Functional roles of ankle and hip sagittal muscle moments in able-bodied gait
H Sadeghi, S Sadeghi, F Prince, P Allard, H Labelle, CL Vaughan
Clinical Biomechanics 16 (8), 688-695, 2001
Contributions of lower-limb muscle power in gait of people without impairments
H Sadeghi, P Allard, M Duhaime
Physical Therapy 80 (12), 1188-1196, 2000
Oviposition preferences of aphidophagous hoverflies.
H Sadeghi, F Gilbert
Ecological Entomology 25 (1), 2000
Effect of trunk inclination on lower limb joint and lumbar moments in able men during the stance phase of gait
S Leteneur, C Gillet, H Sadeghi, P Allard, F Barbier
Clinical Biomechanics 24 (2), 190-195, 2009
Effect of body morphology on standing balance in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis
P Allard, P Chavet, F Barbier, L Gatto, H Labelle, H Sadeghi
American journal of physical medicine & rehabilitation 83 (9), 689-697, 2004
The effect of motor control training on kinetics variables of patients with non-specific low back pain and movement control impairment: Prospective observational study
V Mohammadi, A Letafatkar, H Sadeghi, AA Jafarnezhadgero, R Hilfiker
Journal of bodywork and movement therapies 21 (4), 1009-1016, 2017
The effects of neurofeedback on the improvement of rifle shooters' performance
R Rostami, H Sadeghi, KA Karami, MN Abadi, P Salamati
Journal of Neurotherapy 16 (4), 264-269, 2012
Antioxidant supplementation of culture medium during embryo development and/or after vitrification-warming; which is the most important?
SM Hosseini, M Forouzanfar, M Hajian, V Asgari, P Abedi, L Hosseini, ...
Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics 26, 355-364, 2009
Reduction of gait data variability using curve registration
H Sadeghi, P Allard, K Shafie, PA Mathieu, S Sadeghi, F Prince, ...
Gait & posture 12 (3), 257-264, 2000
Effects of aquatic balance training and detraining on neuromuscular performance and balance in healthy middle aged male.
A Abbasi, H Sadeghi, HB Tabrizi, K Bagheri, A Ghasemizad
Effects of different olive cake by products on dry matter intake, nutrient digestibility and performance of Zel sheep
H Sadeghi, AT Yansari, Z Ansari-Pirsarai
Int. J. Agric. Biol 11 (6), 2009
Effect of seed size on some germination characteristics, seedling emergence percentage and yield of three wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars in laboratory and field
A Zareian, A Hamidi, H Sadeghi, MR Jazaeri
Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 13 (8), 1126-1131, 2013
Voice of Quran and health: A review of performed studies in Iran
H Sadeghi
Quarterly of Quran & Medicine 1 (1), 33-337, 2011
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