Lisbeth Thoresen
Lisbeth Thoresen
Associate professor
在 medisin.uio.no 的电子邮件经过验证
A review of the implementation and research strategies of advance care planning in nursing homes
E Flo, BS Husebo, P Bruusgaard, E Gjerberg, L Thoresen, L Lillemoen, ...
BMC geriatrics 16, 1-20, 2016
“I just think that we should be informed” a qualitative study of family involvement in advance care planning in nursing homes
L Thoresen, L Lillemoen
BMC medical ethics 17, 1-13, 2016
Fenomenologi i helsefaglig forskning
L Thoresen, G Rugseth, H Bondevik
Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, 2020
Sykepleiekompetanse i hjemmesykepleien–på rett sted til rett tid?
KH Norheim, L Thoresen
Sykepleien Forskning, 2015
Lived observations: Linking the researcher’s personal experiences to knowledge development
L Thoresen, J Öhlén
Qualitative Health Research 25 (11), 1589-1598, 2015
Advance Care Planning in Norwegian nursing homes—Who is it for?
L Thoresen, R Ahlzén, KN Solbrække
Journal of aging studies 38, 16-26, 2016
Male partners’ experiences of caregiving for women with cervical cancer—a qualitative study
K Oldertrøen Solli, M de Boer, K Nyheim Solbrække, L Thoresen
Journal of clinical nursing 28 (5-6), 987-996, 2019
Improved patient participation through advance care planning in nursing homes—A cluster randomized clinical trial
TJL Sævareid, L Thoresen, E Gjerberg, L Lillemoen, R Pedersen
Patient education and counseling 102 (12), 2183-2191, 2019
A reflection on Cicely Saunders’ views on a good death through the philosophy of Charles Taylor
L Thoresen
International Journal of Palliative Nursing 9 (1), 19-23, 2003
“A bit of everything”: Health literacy interventions in chronic conditions–a systematic review
MH Larsen, AM Mengshoel, MH Andersen, CR Borge, B Ahlsen, KG Dahl, ...
Patient education and counseling 105 (10), 2999-3016, 2022
The significance of lifeworld and the case of hospice
L Thoresen, T Wyller, K Heggen
Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 14, 257-263, 2011
Significance of advance care planning in nursing homes: views from patients with cognitive impairment, their next of kin, health personnel, and managers
TJL Sævareid, R Førde, L Thoresen, L Lillemoen, R Pedersen
Clinical Interventions in Aging, 997-1005, 2019
Perceiving the Other: Case studies and theories of respectful action
J Bauer, SB Eide, I Lønning, P Meyer, L Thoresen, S Leonhard, ...
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2010
Implementing advance care planning in nursing homes–study protocol of a cluster-randomized clinical trial
TJL Sævareid, L Lillemoen, L Thoresen, R Førde, E Gjerberg, R Pedersen
BMC geriatrics 18, 1-12, 2018
Working with patients suffering from chronic diseases can be a balancing act for health care professionals-a meta-synthesis of qualitative studies
H Holmen, MH Larsen, MH Sallinen, L Thoresen, B Ahlsen, MH Andersen, ...
BMC Health Services Research 20, 1-16, 2020
Nursing home residents with cognitive impairment can participate in advance care planning: a qualitative study
TJL Sævareid, R Pedersen, L Thoresen
Journal of advanced nursing 77 (2), 879-888, 2021
Financial and social effects on children and adolescents when a parent is diagnosed with cancer
S Torp, L Thoresen, AB Grønningsæter, EK Grov, K Gustavsen
Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal 30, 293-310, 2013
Advance care planning in Norwegian nursing homes–limited awareness of the residents’ preferences and values? A qualitative study
L Thoresen, R Pedersen, L Lillemoen, E Gjerberg, R Førde
BMC geriatrics 19, 1-6, 2019
Empati og intersubjektivitet: En studie av hospicesykepleie
L Thoresen
Avhandling. Oslo: Det teologiske fakultet, 2008
Sykepleie til den døende pasienten. I EK Grov & IM Holter (Red.)
L Thoresen, M Dahl
Grunnleggende kunnskap i klinisk sykepleie: Sykepleieboken 1 (5), 926-956, 2015
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