Aris Tri Wahyudi, PhD
Aris Tri Wahyudi, PhD
Professor of Microbiology, Bogor Agricultural University
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Characterization of Bacillus sp. strains isolated from rhizosphere of soybean plants for their use as potential plant growth for promoting rhizobacteria
AT Wahyudi, RP Astuti, A Widyawati, A Meryandini, AA Nawangsih
J Microbiol Antimicrob 3 (2), 34-40, 2011
Complete genome sequence of the facultative anaerobic magnetotactic bacterium Magnetospirillum sp. strain AMB-1
T Matsunaga, Y Okamura, Y Fukuda, AT Wahyudi, Y Murase, ...
DNA research 12 (3), 157-166, 2005
Screening of Pseudomonas sp. isolated from rhizosphere of soybean plant as plant growth promoter and biocontrol agent.
AT Wahyudi, RI Astuti, G Giyanto
Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae bakteri penyebab hawar daun pada padi: isolasi, karakterisasi, dan telaah mutagenesis dengan transposon
AT Wahyudi, S Meliah, AA Nawangsih
Makara Journal of Science 15 (1), 35, 2011
Role of bacteria in tempe bitter taste formation: microbiological and molecular biological analysis based on 16S rRNA gene
T Barus, A Suwanto, AT Wahyudi, H WIJAYA
Microbiology Indonesia 2 (1), 4, 2008
Skrining bakteri yang berasosiasi dengan spons Jaspis sp. sebagai penghasil senyawa antimikroba
H Abubakar, AT Wahyudi, M Yuhana
ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences 16 (1), 35-40, 2011
Design and Application of a New Cryptic-Plasmid-Based Shuttle Vector for Magnetospirillum magneticum
Y Okamura, H Takeyama, T Sekine, T Sakaguchi, AT Wahyudi, R Sato, ...
Applied and environmental microbiology 69 (7), 4274-4277, 2003
Plant growth promoting activity of actinomycetes isolated from soybean rhizosphere
AT Wahyudi, JA Priyanto, R Afrista, D Kurniati, RI Astuti, A Akhdiya
Online J. Biol. Sci 19, 1-8, 2019
Characterization of aldehyde ferredoxin oxidoreductase gene defective mutant in Magnetospirillum magneticum AMB-1
AT Wahyudi, H Takeyama, Y Okamura, Y Fukuda, T Matsunaga
Biochemical and biophysical research communications 303 (1), 223-229, 2003
Isolation of Magnetospirillum magneticum AMB-1 Mutants Defective in Bacterial Magnetic Particle Synthesis by Transposon Mutagenesis
AT Wahyudi, H Takeyama, T Matsunaga
Twenty-Second Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals, 147-154, 2001
Effect in white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei of Eleutherine bulbosa (Mill.) Urb. Powder on immune genes expression and resistance against Vibrio parahaemolyticus infection
W Munaeni, M Yuhana, M Setiawati, AT Wahyudi
Fish & shellfish immunology 102, 218-227, 2020
Rhizobacteria pemacu pertumbuhan tanaman: prospeknya sebagai agen biostimulator & biokontrol
AT Wahyudi
Nano Indonesia, 2009
Leaf blast disease reduction by rice-phyllosphere actinomycetes producing bioactive compounds
W Harsonowati, RI Astuti, AT Wahyudi
Journal of General Plant Pathology 83, 98-108, 2017
Antioxidant, antiglycation and in vivo antiaging effects of metabolite extracts from marine sponge-associated bacteria
ME Prastya, RI Astuti, I Batubara, AT Wahyudi
Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 81 (2), 344-353, 2019
Screening and characterization of actinomycetes isolated from soybean rhizosphere for promoting plant growth
UMI Fatmawati, A Meryandini, AA Nawangsih, AT Wahyudi
Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity 20 (10), 2019
Growth enhancement and disease reduction of soybean by 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate deaminase-producing Pseudomonas.
E Husen, AT Wahyudi, A Suwanto, G Giyanto
Siderophore production of a periplasmic transport binding protein kinase gene defective mutant of Magnetospirillum magneticum AMB-1
RJ Calugay, Y Okamura, AT Wahyudi, H Takeyama, T Matsunaga
Biochemical and biophysical research communications 323 (3), 852-857, 2004
Blight Disease on Oil Palm
M Asril, NR Mubarik, AT Wahyudi
Research Journal of Microbiology 9 (3), 265-277, 2014
Soybean response to 1-Aminocyclopropane-1-Carboxylate deaminase-producing Pseudomonas under field soil conditions.
E Husen, AT Wahyudi, A Suwanto, G Giyanto
Potential Pseudomonas isolated from soybean rhizosphere as biocontrol against soilborne phytopathogenic fungi
ARI Susilowati, AT Wahyudi, Y Lestari, A Suwanto, S Wiyono
HAYATI Journal of Biosciences 18 (2), 51-56, 2011
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