Joshua L Karelitz
Joshua L Karelitz
Principal Scientist I, Population Sciences, Altria Client Services
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Optimal carbon monoxide criteria to confirm 24-hr smoking abstinence
KA Perkins, JL Karelitz, NC Jao
Nicotine & Tobacco Research 15 (5), 978-982, 2013
Acute negative affect relief from smoking depends on the affect situation and measure but not on nicotine
KA Perkins, JL Karelitz, CA Conklin, MA Sayette, GE Giedgowd
Biological psychiatry 67 (8), 707-714, 2010
Differences in negative mood-induced smoking reinforcement due to distress tolerance, anxiety sensitivity, and depression history
KA Perkins, JL Karelitz, GE Giedgowd, CA Conklin, MA Sayette
Psychopharmacology 210, 25-34, 2010
Initial nicotine sensitivity in humans as a function of impulsivity
KA Perkins, C Lerman, SB Coddington, C Jetton, JL Karelitz, JA Scott, ...
Psychopharmacology 200, 529-544, 2008
Negative mood effects on craving to smoke in women versus men
KA Perkins, JL Karelitz, GE Giedgowd, CA Conklin
Addictive behaviors 38 (2), 1527-1531, 2013
The reliability of puff topography and subjective responses during ad lib smoking of a single cigarette
KA Perkins, JL Karelitz, GE Giedgowd, CA Conklin
Nicotine & Tobacco Research 14 (4), 490-494, 2011
Reinforcement enhancing effects of nicotine via smoking
KA Perkins, JL Karelitz
Psychopharmacology 228, 479-486, 2013
Smoking in response to negative mood in men versus women as a function of distress tolerance
KA Perkins, GE Giedgowd, JL Karelitz, CA Conklin, C Lerman
Nicotine & Tobacco Research 14 (12), 1418-1425, 2012
Nicotine acutely enhances reinforcement from non-drug rewards in humans
KA Perkins, JL Karelitz, MC Boldry
Frontiers in psychiatry 8, 236896, 2017
Sex Differences in Acute Relief of Abstinence-Induced Withdrawal and Negative Affect due to Nicotine Content in Cigarettes
KA Perkins, JL Karelitz
Nicotine & Tobacco Research 17 (4), 443-448, 2015
Gene and gene by sex associations with initial sensitivity to nicotine in nonsmokers
KA Perkins, C Lerman, S Coddington, C Jetton, JL Karelitz, A Wilson, ...
Behavioural pharmacology 19 (5-6), 630-640, 2008
Variability in initial nicotine sensitivity due to sex, history of other drug use, and parental smoking
KA Perkins, SB Coddington, JL Karelitz, C Jetton, JA Scott, AS Wilson, ...
Drug and alcohol dependence 99 (1-3), 47-57, 2009
Sensory reinforcement-enhancing effects of nicotine via smoking.
KA Perkins, JL Karelitz
Experimental and clinical psychopharmacology 22 (6), 511, 2014
Reinforcement enhancing effects of acute nicotine via electronic cigarettes
KA Perkins, JL Karelitz, VC Michael
Drug and alcohol dependence 153, 104-108, 2015
Compulsive buying: prevalence, irrational beliefs and purchasing
RJ Harnish, KR Bridges, JL Karelitz
International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction 15, 993-1007, 2017
Influence of reinforcer magnitude and nicotine amount on smoking's acute reinforcement enhancing effects
KA Perkins, JL Karelitz
Drug and alcohol dependence 133 (1), 167-171, 2013
Threshold dose for behavioral discrimination of cigarette nicotine content in menthol vs. non-menthol smokers
KA Perkins, N Kunkle, JL Karelitz
Psychopharmacology 234, 1255-1265, 2017
Effects of bupropion on cognitive performance during initial tobacco abstinence
KA Perkins, JL Karelitz, NC Jao, RC Gur, C Lerman
Drug and alcohol dependence 133 (1), 283-286, 2013
Analysis of Agreement between Expired-Air Carbon Monoxide Monitors
JL Karelitz, VC Michael, KA Perkins
Journal of Smoking Cessation, 1-8, 2016
Effects of nicotine versus placebo e-cigarette use on symptom relief during initial tobacco abstinence.
KA Perkins, JL Karelitz, VC Michael
Experimental and clinical psychopharmacology 25 (4), 249, 2017
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