Careers in organizations DT Hall (No Title), 1976 | 3760 | 1976 |
Careers in and out of organizations DT Hall Sage, 2002 | 3169 | 2002 |
Protean careers of the 21st century DT Hall Academy of management perspectives 10 (4), 8-16, 1996 | 2549 | 1996 |
The protean career: A quarter-century journey DT Hall Journal of vocational behavior 65 (1), 1-13, 2004 | 2415 | 2004 |
Psychological success: When the career is a calling DT Hall, DE Chandler Journal of Organizational Behavior: The International Journal of Industrial …, 2005 | 2186 | 2005 |
Relationship of job characteristics to job involvement, satisfaction, and intrinsic motivation. EE Lawler, DT Hall Journal of Applied psychology 54 (4), 305, 1970 | 1933 | 1970 |
Personal factors in organizational identification DT Hall, B Schneider, HT Nygren Administrative science quarterly, 176-190, 1970 | 1752 | 1970 |
Protean and boundaryless careers: An empirical exploration JP Briscoe, DT Hall, RLF DeMuth Journal of vocational behavior 69 (1), 30-47, 2006 | 1722 | 2006 |
Handbook of career theory MB Arthur, MB Arthur, DT Hall, BS Lawrence Cambridge University Press, 1989 | 1616 | 1989 |
The interplay of boundaryless and protean careers: Combinations and implications JP Briscoe, DT Hall Journal of vocational behavior 69 (1), 4-18, 2006 | 1607 | 2006 |
The Career Is Dead--Long Live the Career. A Relational Approach to Careers. The Jossey-Bass Business & Management Series. DT Hall Jossey-Bass Inc., Publishers, 350 Sansome Street, San Francisco, CA 94104., 1996 | 1457 | 1996 |
The new protean career contract: Helping organizations and employees adapt DT Hall, JE Moss Organizational dynamics 26 (3), 22-37, 1998 | 1306 | 1998 |
Organizational research on job involvement. S Rabinowitz, DT Hall Psychological bulletin 84 (2), 265, 1977 | 1129 | 1977 |
Psychological success and the boundaryless career PH Mirvis, DT Hall Journal of organizational behavior 15 (4), 365-380, 1994 | 1128 | 1994 |
The new career contract: Developing the whole person at midlife and beyond DT Hall, PH Mirvis Journal of vocational behavior 47 (3), 269-289, 1995 | 1067 | 1995 |
A model of coping with role conflict: The role behavior of college educated women DT Hall Administrative Science Quarterly, 471-486, 1972 | 1033 | 1972 |
The legacy of the Chicago School of Sociology SR Barley, identities, institutions, MB Arthur, DT Hall, BS Lawrence Handbook of career theory, 41, 1989 | 1013 | 1989 |
Employability during unemployment: Adaptability, career identity and human and social capital S McArdle, L Waters, JP Briscoe, DTT Hall Journal of vocational behavior 71 (2), 247-264, 2007 | 1007 | 2007 |
Generating new directions in career theory: The case for a transdisciplinary approach MB Arthur, DT Hall, BS Lawrence Handbook of career theory 7, 25, 1989 | 917 | 1989 |
An examination of Maslow's need hierarchy in an organizational setting DT Hall, KE Nougaim Organizational behavior and human performance 3 (1), 12-35, 1968 | 879 | 1968 |