Linda Barlow
Linda Barlow
Professor of Cell and Developmental Biology, University of Colorado SOM
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COVID-19 and the chemical senses: supporting players take center stage
KW Cooper, DH Brann, MC Farruggia, S Bhutani, R Pellegrino, ...
Neuron 107 (2), 219-233, 2020
Progress and renewal in gustation: new insights into taste bud development
LA Barlow
Development 142 (21), 3620-3629, 2015
Wnt-β-catenin signaling initiates taste papilla development
F Liu, S Thirumangalathu, NM Gallant, SH Yang, CL Stoick-Cooper, ...
Nature genetics 39 (1), 106-112, 2007
Embryonic origin of amphibian taste buds
LA Barlow, RG Northcutt
Developmental biology 169 (1), 273-285, 1995
WNT10A mutation causes ectodermal dysplasia by impairing progenitor cell proliferation and KLF4-mediated differentiation
M Xu, J Horrell, M Snitow, J Cui, H Gochnauer, CM Syrett, S Kallish, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 15397, 2017
Embryonic taste buds develop in the absence of innervation
LA Barlow, CB Chien, RG Northcutt
Development 122 (4), 1103-1111, 1996
Sonic hedgehog–expressing basal cells are general post‐mitotic precursors of functional taste receptor cells
H Miura, JK Scott, S Harada, LA Barlow
Developmental Dynamics 243 (10), 1286-1297, 2014
Fate mapping of mammalian embryonic taste bud progenitors
S Thirumangalathu, DE Harlow, AL Driskell, RF Krimm, LA Barlow
Oxford University Press for The Company of Biologists Limited 136 (9), 1519-1528, 2009
Mechanisms of taste bud cell loss after head and neck irradiation
HM Nguyen, ME Reyland, LA Barlow
Journal of Neuroscience 32 (10), 3474-3484, 2012
Developing and regenerating a sense of taste
LA Barlow, OD Klein
Current topics in developmental biology 111, 401-419, 2015
Patterns of serotonin and SCP immunoreactivity during metamorphosis of the nervous system of the red abalone, Haliotis rufescens
LA Barlow, JW Truman
Journal of neurobiology 23 (7), 829-844, 1992
Developing a sense of taste
M Kapsimali, LA Barlow
Seminars in cell & developmental biology 24 (3), 200-209, 2013
Taste buds develop autonomously from endoderm without induction by cephalic neural crest or paraxial mesoderm
LA Barlow, RG Northcutt
Development 124 (5), 949-957, 1997
Electrophysiological and behavioral responses of larvae of the red abalone (Haliotis rufescens) to settlement-inducing substances
LA Barlow
Bulletin of marine science 46 (2), 537-554, 1990
Induction of ectopic taste buds by SHH reveals the competency and plasticity of adult lingual epithelium
D Castillo, K Seidel, E Salcedo, C Ahn, FJ de Sauvage, OD Klein, ...
Development 141 (15), 2993-3002, 2014
Taste bud regeneration and the search for taste progenitor cells
H Miura, LA Barlow
Archives italiennes de biologie 148 (2), 107, 2010
FGF signaling regulates the number of posterior taste papillae by controlling progenitor field size
CI Petersen, AH Jheon, P Mostowfi, C Charles, S Ching, ...
PLoS genetics 7 (6), e1002098, 2011
Sonic hedgehog from both nerves and epithelium is a key trophic factor for taste bud maintenance
D Castillo-Azofeifa, JT Losacco, E Salcedo, EJ Golden, TE Finger, ...
Development 144 (17), 3054-3065, 2017
β-catenin signaling biases multipotent lingual epithelial progenitors to differentiate and acquire specific taste cell fates
D Gaillard, M Xu, F Liu, SE Millar, LA Barlow
PLoS genetics 11 (5), e1005208, 2015
Notch‐associated gene expression in embryonic and adult taste papillae and taste buds suggests a role in taste cell lineage decisions
Y Seta, C Seta, LA Barlow
Journal of Comparative Neurology 464 (1), 49-61, 2003
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